No It Was So Embarrassing!

Start from the beginning

"No problem." Hunter replied "Do you go to Church every Sunday?" Gabe asked "Yes I do unlike Hunter." I said. I finished up my breakfast and called up Serena telling her I was ready. "Have fun boys, I'm off to Church." I said as Serena parks her bike in front of our house. I walk outside "Scarlet, today they're not having Church. There's  something wrong with the building so it's being rebuild." "You found out after you got here, huh?" She was in her Church clothes too and was absolutely lazy to go anywhere else.

We jogged upstairs without notifying my brother and went to change. Since it was a hot day, I wore a  pink ombre low-cut tank top, a black bandeau, jeans, pink Love Pastry shoes. Serena chose a navy blue stripe tank top, jeans, and black NYC sweet crime Love Pastry shoes. I started up my laptop and went to facebook. 3 notifications, poke from Austin, Ethan posting on my wall, Michelle posting on my wall. "Hey, heard what happened last week :(" Ethan is so lying "Scarlet please stop ignoring us, we're sorry! We're so sorry." Michelle posted. 

I poked Austin back and ignored Michelle's post. "Let's go get some food?" Serena asked, she must have not eaten breakfast yet. "Okay, let's go get some food!" I said and we raced downstairs to the kitchen. "Ouch." I turned around and see Serena rubbing her head and Cole helping her up. "Serena, when did you get here? I thought you have Church?" "Uh no Church today, they're rebuilding it." Serena answered and caught up with me to grab some snacks. We grabbed sour candy and decided to go play outside. "Hey, you're still here? Why?" Hunter asked "They're rebuilding the Church." I stated and we walked outside. 

"I want to learn how to skateboard." I brought out my long board and skated around "Well I want to learn how to climb." I said, glaring at her as she was climbing halfway to the top of my tree. "Shut up, Redhead." "Love you too Blondie." I shouted back "Austin just invited us to go to the beach with them. Wanna go?" Serena asked "Sounds fun but if you want to, then let's go." I said "Wait aren't you tutoring Dalton today?" Damn, just in time my phone rung. "Hey u excited 4 tonight? ;)" Cody text messaged me. "Aw I can't go, I tutor Dalton at 10am and have a date with Cody at 2:00pm." I said. "Oh he finally made his move?" Serena asked "Yup, he sure did. It was funny." I said.

"What happened when he asked you out?" Serena asked "He fell through my door." I giggled "Man lover boy's falling for you." I rolled my eyes "First Dalton and now you!" I said "What?" Serena asked "Dalton's been calling Cody 'Lover Boy' and it's annoying." I said "Oh sounds like he's jealous." Serena smirked "So you're jealous of Cody and I going on a date?" Her smirk fell off her face "No." She said "That's what I thought." I said "Okay, well instead of going to the beach, they're staying home." Serena said "Boys are so lazy." We decided to sneak a peek at the boys and all of them dancing like weird people. "Weirdos." Serena and I said. 

Serena had to leave at 9:30am, so I was now stuck in a car with the boys and Hunter. We stopped right in front of Dalton's house, "Have fun tutoring, Scarlet." Hunter said "Haha, don't forget to pick me up at 1pm because C-" "Yeah, Cody is coming to pick you up since you're going on a date." Hunter said and I slammed the door closed. Dalton led me to his room and gave me his algebra book. A couple minutes into the tutoring, Dalton was zoned out. "Dalton, wake up. We have two hours left." I said and continued to help him with algebra. "This is so boring." He looked up from his book "It's a long process but you'll get it." I said "Foil is so confusing." I rolled my eyes "I learned how to do foil in 6th grade." I said "Private schools are advanced, that's why." Dalton stuck out his tongue at me and I did the same. 

-2 Hours Later-

"Oh now I get it!" Dalton cheekily smiled at me "Thanks Scar." He hugged me and I returned it, we stayed there for about five minutes until I told him "It's been over five minutes, Dalton." He let go and  checked the time. We went outside to wait for my brother, "I hope you'll have fun on your.... date."  Dalton uncomfortably said "Thanks." I mumbled "But if he hurts you, I'll break his face. Okay?" I laughed "Okay, Dalton. I'm pretty sure he's not going to hurt me." I said and just in time Hunter honks his car. I hugged Dalton bye "REMEMBER!" Dalton shouted after I closed the car door. "Time for Cody to meet dad and mom." Hunter said "Well isn't this going to be fun?" I joked. We pulled up into the driveway and I instantly run inside the house.

I applied a layer of my gold shimmery lip gloss before stuffing it into my bag along with my phone, tic tacs, and my wallet. I took my hair out of it's messy bun and left it straight.  I grabbed a cardigan "Scarlet's still get ready, you can wait in the living room." I heard Hunter said, "So you're Cody the guy my daugther's been freaking out about." Great dad, just embarrass me, "Where are you guys going tonight?" I didn't hear the reply since I went back upstairs and grabbed my bag. I walked into the living room, Cody was calmly answering questions from my dad. "Hey Cody. Dad are you trying to scare Cody away?" I asked looking at him, knowing that he was. "Have fun sweetie." Dad simply replied and Cody got up. 

Once we were outside Cody said "You look beautiful." "Cody I just choose this outfit randomly." I said and he still thought I was beautiful. We got in the car which Jeff, Cody's bodyguard, was driving us. We stopped right in front of Universal City walk and got out, "First part of our date, is bowling." He said and held my hand as we walked to the bowling place. The best thing about Cody being sort of famous, some paparazzi doesn't follow him which is great sometimes. We got our bowling shoes and was going to knock some pins down. Well I had a feeling Cody was going to get many strikes while I, a beginner, will get one down. As I predicated, Cody had the most points while I had about nine or ten points. I really sucked at bowling and I need to practice.

We left the place around 4pm and started walking around the stores. We walked into a store called It's Sugar and brought the most weirdest things. Later at 6pm we went to go eat at Johnny Rockets. Sitting down in the red plastic booth and waiting for our food to come was fun. Cody blew his straw into my face and I tried doing the same but it wouldn't. "Star, you have to rip it off not bang it on the table." Cody said, instantly I blushed. "Oh." I laughed, "Here's your food, enjoy." The waitress said and put our food on the table. Once we finished, Cody called up his dad and we sat down on a bench. "This might be weird but can we take a picture together?" Cody asked as he pulled out a camera. I nodded and scooted closer to him for the picture. I smiled happily as Cody intertwined our hands as he took the picture. 

"Come on lovebirds, time to get Scarlet home." We looked up and saw Brad was already here. We got into the car. About thirty minutes later, Brad parked in front of my house and we got out of the car. "I'd have to say Cody, you've got some tricks at bowling." I said, "Well, bowling's my type of thing . " Cody said, he looked at the door and leaned on the door ledge. "Being smart, I see?" I asked, "Yup, don't want that to happen again." Cody said, "Anyways, I had fun today." I said, "I did too, Star." Cody said, "I have to go inside soon." I said, "Aw, let's just stay outside for a minute or two?" Cody asked, "Hm.... Would you like to get on my parents' bad side?" I seriously asked, "No..."  I laughed, "Okay I'll see you soon?" Cody asked, I nodded. He stared at my lips before leaning in. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer. 

We pulled away, "I'm pretty sure your dad's waiting." I said, "I know, I'll see you soon." He said and kissed my cheek bye. I opened the door and happily skipped to my room. I jumped on my bed and touched my lips. I happily smiled before falling asleep. 

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