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It was a normal day, but due to a cursed global pandemic, Y/n was stuck inside doing online classes. Not just any classes at this time, however, their least favourite subject. Ah, the Aztec gods of fitness absolutely adore them, don't they. Life can't get any better than this. Turning to their computer, Y/n decides that if they're not going to do their work, they're at least going to put their time to use. And with that, they opened Funimation.They clicked on Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, but to their demise, all episodes had been viewed. ''Ugh... Why can't they just animate stone ocean alreadyyyy....'' they whined. They huffed at the thought, and went to go find food to snack on. After rummaging through their fridge for a little while, they came across some pizza, and after checking for mold, and smelling it to make sure they won't die,( although at this point, that might be a plus for them, they REALLY hate online schooling.) they considered it safe to eat, and began munching away at it. As they finished their pizza, they stared at the wall for a bit before remembering that they wanted to get their phone. They sat on their bed, scrolling through social media, and checking for fanfiction updates. When they found nothing of interest, they were about to put their phone down, but not before a sketchy add caught their eye. It was a ''Which anime character are you'' quiz. And with that, Y/n stumbled down yet another rabbit hole. They dont remember how long they were doing random quizzes, but the Time read 3:32. Y/n though nothing of it, as it was a Saturday and there was no school. As they scrolled through quizzes they could take, they saw a meme, that said: ''If you pick the blue pill, you can go to any anime universe you want, but if you pick the red pill, you can have whatever anime power/ability you want.'' Y/n thought for a while. Either could prove to be useful. ''What if... I took half of both?'' They wondered, as they slowly closed their droopy eyes as sleep engulfed them.

Coming Soon:

All in my head(JJBA x Reader)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2021 ⏰

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