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The red dotted ink pen again marked 'Ab' beside Miss Renuka Sinha's name and a small stamp size photo of his register for the fourth day consecutively. He had identified her name with the help of his Attendance register.  From witnessing that scary encounter of the fateful road crossing to him leaving her just a few houses before her doorstep untill watching her fearful face almost dashing out of his car on that afternoon. She didn't show up for the next four days and may be many more days to come. Good! She had herself relaxed his mind from anticipation about the hesitation of facing each other from that day by this dissapearance. 

Rolling up his navy blue shirt till his elbow, he wiped his head of any of the disturbance namely Renuka's absence and begun with today's topic. And soon his concept was being explained with the day to day examples of today's business entities and practical questions followed later. All in all, he was satisfied with today's class performance. No poor questions!! 

He was taking his books and the register for leaving the class for lunch break when Kalyani, yes that's her name asked a girl sitting at the back loudly. He was going to take this matter of indiscipline on his hands when his ears unknowingly perked up to the question. 

"Hey! Sumita, RIGHT ! Tell us why isn't Renuka coming to the University?!!" 

Not coming to the University!!! ?? 

He believed Renuka bunked his class only to avoid him these days. And he didn't give a fig about her stupid bunking techniques to be away from his radar. Why would he? Let her just bunk the fucking University altogether!! He doesn't care a damn.

"She knows,na,  that these are important classes, Sumita?" Another girl beside Kalyani enquired with worried eyes. 

Heck! Every bloody student from the heroin addicted to the Vice Chancellor understood the significance of attending his classes but this foolish girl wasn't bothered to make it up to his class.

Fine ! All the other professors too may have noted this. Her parents shall be called up by the principal if she is found absent again tomorrow.  Rohit sneered under his breath with the image of Renuka crying her heart out of getting suspended after her parents call for missing the class test and bunking University consecutively without any reason. He was reaching the door when Sumita finally answered, somewhat sadly.

"Renuka is not well, Chitra." This Sumita girl used to sit with Renuka, he remembered. Both of them, especially Renuka was a regular student. Sumita had some problem which the principal knew of and didn't mind her absence. Once asked, the principal only explained with two words, MEDICAL PROBLEM. These two may have been close enough to explain Renuka sit alone when Sumita wasn't present. 

His legs froze near the wooden door with his hand on it's latch. Why? He didn't know. A feeling. No a very strong feeling made him stop.

"Not well, you say?" Kalyani enquired further.Now, the group began increasing with many of the students curious to know the reason behind Sumita's answer. Humans are curious by nature. And their curiosity increases when some kind of uncanny news  reaches their ears. Only to spread it to other fellow humans. 

"Yes! She is terribly ill. " Sumita responded briefly recalling her yesterday's visit to the Sinha's. Renuka was covered with a quilt all-over her body. She was sleeping with a heavy dose of medicine prescribed. Sumita could only watch s her childish friend far, from the door and then was accompanied with her parents.

So, Miss Renuka is seriously ill. What is she suffering from? To make her vanish from the University for the last four days? And if it was really that bad, then ...

"We should all visit her . Let's go!" The girls decided together after some more questions and answers. Some of the girls have already  walked out passing the professor as they had excuses already up for not visiting their ailing classmate but few concerned, were planning to take a look inside the Sinha's.

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