Taurus Boa / Lydia Taureer

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Name: Taurus Boa / Taur, Bullhead

Gender: Female

Age: 18 / Birthday: 11th May

Looks: (look at the top)
Taurus is 177cm tall and has silvery-white hair, which goes to her mid-thigh. Her eyes are an icy blue. She sometimes looks really scary. You don't want to meet her moody side!

Character: Taurus is actually pretty kind and open hearted. She is a slight introverted, but doesn't mind, meeting new people, but prefers not to. She loves food a lot and probably the one who knows which plant is poisonous or not. She sometimes has a moody time, and at this time, it's the best to let her alone, unless you're one of her closest friends. She's also intelligent if it comes to maths. But in normal life lessons, you better ask someone else!

unimportant facts:

- loves food a lot but doesn't know how to cook well
- only thing she knows how to make, are pancakes. And they are really good!
- likes school is bad at history and geography
- amazing artist!
- tries to stop her friends from doing crap, yet somehow also wants to see how it will end, which is why she doesn't stop them most of the time
- give this girl some memes, please.

Mistaken for:

Name: Lydia Taureer / L, unbeaten Mom

Gender: Female

Age: 17 / Birthday: 15th May.

Status: Daughter of the leader of the military

Character: Lydia is a kind and soft soul. She doesn't see the benefits of having an army ready all the time, if the only fights, are those in the arena. But, if she fights you, the chance you survive is high, yet the chance of winning is really low. So, you better be kind to her and her friends, or be prepared for the humiliation of losing.

Unimportant facts:
- she's one of the best fighters in her group
- has father issues
- digsgusted of killing and slaughter
- has a slight blood phobia
- steals food from the royal kitchen really often, because it's really tasty and it won't be noticed if something's missing.

Flaw: the ability to let people go insane for a short amount of time or lock them up in a mirror - one reason why she always wears small hand mirrors with her - and to release them out of it again.

Flawless (A zodiac story)(unfinished)Where stories live. Discover now