Generosity of a Hero

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        I stood in front of the entrance of my boyfriend’s apartment, waiting for the handsome man to open the door. I knocked for the second time, but there was still no sign of any movements coming from inside. So I fished for the spare keys in my pocket and slid it into the keyhole, clicking the door open. “Piers! I’m coming in!” I called, but not too loudly. I was sure that Piers was home, but perhaps he did not hear me coming in (which was kind of strange, since his sense of hearing was pretty sharp). I walked inside, carrying few plastic bags with one hand, and I stepped toward the living room. I looked around the area, but found no one. Sounds of running water coming from the bathroom caught my attention. ‘He must be having a shower,’ I assumed. I blushed slightly at the thought, but I was quick to shake it away.

        I headed to the kitchen and started to fix the dinner. I figured he’d be hungry by then, and I was sure that he would appreciate it when he comes out of the shower to find his dinner already prepared. After washing the vegetables, I stood against the counter and began chopping them in order to make Piers’ favorite salad. But then I was startled when I felt two strong arms snaking around my waist, pulling me in and pinning my back to the muscly body that stood behind me. “Hello there.” He muttered into my ear.

        I blushed instantly, tilting my head to the side so I could lock my eyes with his: “Piers! When did you get out of the shower?” He chuckled huskily at my flushed state, and I couldn’t help but smile in return. He was the most gorgeous thing to my eyes… and he’ll always be so. “Mm… you smell good.” I said, turning my attention back to the task in hand.

        “Thank you. I knew you’d come today, so I thought I‘d better take a quick shower after my workout.” That boyfriend of mine… he’d never take a break. Even when being off duty, he’d be working out, which was a regular routine for him, a main way to stay in shape. All those muscles of his – they did not appear from nowhere, you know. They were earned, with hard work.

        He was a soldier after all, a proud soldier in the BSAA forces. His job was tough, full of risks and dangers, but he never minded it. It was his Badge of Honor, and I acknowledged that, no… I admired his merits and his zealous devotion for the greatest cause.

        Knowing that did not stop me from missing him, however. Still, whenever I would feel that life is being unfair with me, I’d convince myself that there are things of much importance in this world that Piers has to defend, things more important than me. It has been only a week since he came back from his mission in Singapore, from which I was more than glad that he returned safe and sound. He was still beat after that arduous mission, I was aware.

        His arms tightened their hold around me as he nuzzled my neck and bestowed butterfly kisses over my tender skin, starting from my ear and moving ever so slowly down to my shoulder. That sent constant shivers along my spine. He was absolutely irresistible. “I love you.” He breathed. Uncontrollably, my lips curved slightly into a timid smile: “I love you too.”

        He swiveled my body around and fixed the small of my back to the counter, so I was facing him then. And that was when I finally realized that he was topless, his muscular upper body exposed completely to my eyes. I looked away at once, seriously abashed at the tempting scene, and I did not look back at him until he had placed his index finger under my chin, inviting me to look him straight in his eyes. Once our orbs were locked onto each other, I did not dare to look away. He then moved both his hands toward my back while I ran my palms over his chest and around his neck, shortening the insignificant distance separating us. With a burning electric spark, our lips were interlocked. It wasn’t my first time kissing him; however, at each time his slightly chapped lips would touch mine, I would feel alive again. I would feel like falling in love anew. He meant the world to me – he was… my everything.

Generosity of a Hero (Piers Nivans x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now