In Argus facility in Central City
" All good." One of the guards say.
" Hey ugly, it's time for dinner." The second guard says.
" I think Bruce  has gone belly up." The first guard says.
" Power down the grid. We're gonna have to fish him out." The second guard says.

" So this is where Waller kept all of her secret projects,huh?" Dig asks.
" One of many sites, I'm learning." Lyla says.
" I'm sure the new director of ARGUS will clean up the mess that Waller left behind." Dig says.
" Easier said than done, honey." Lyla tells Dig.
" Hey, my wife  can do anything she puts her mind to." Dig says.
"  Code 7 in Aquaria three. I repeat code 7 in aquaria three." The automated system says.
" There's been a breach in the aquarium." Lyla says as she runs.
" You have an aquarium? Why?" Dig asks.
Dig sees King Shark.
" What the hell? Are you kidding me?"  Dig asks.

West house
" Seven, Six, Five, Four, Three, Two, One." Iris says.
" Time."  Joe says.
" Whoo. Ain't nobody faster than me."  Wally says.
" Don't know about that. Earth to Barry. It's your turn, dude. "  Joe  says.
" Yeah, it's time to show this little punk who the fastest stack attacker alive is."Iris says.
" One of you guys go ahead. I'm gonna pass." Barry says.
" Afraid of a little competition?" Wally asks.
" No, I'm just not in a gaming mood right  now." Barry says.
" Okay, well I guess that makes me champ. Right? Anyways I'm gonna go meet up with  some friends." Wally says as Joe gets up to hug him.
" Bye." Iris says as she also gets up to hug him.
" All right." Barry says.
" Bye." Iris says.
" Bye." Joe says.
" Maybe next time." Wally says.
Iris sits next to Joe
" And I thought you were the competitive one in the family." Iris says.
" I know, right? What's up Bar?" Joe asks.
" Nothing. I just.. I don't know,  I don't know if Wally likes me too much." Barry says.
" Well, we can fix that.  I mean, you been busy running between alternate realities, you two haven't had a chance to spend any time together." Joe says.
" What do you want us to do together?"  Barry asks laughing.
" Get to know each  other, find something that you guys have in common." Iris says.
" He's part of the family now, Bar, you're gonna have to give it a chance." Joe says.
" I know. All right, well, look,I'm gonna head to bed, all right? Mhm." " Barry says.
" Good night." Iris says.
" Good night." Barry says.
"Something is up with him, and I don't think it's Jay's death. He's been acting weird ever since he came back from Earth 2." Joe says.
" Did he say anything to you about what happened over there to you?" Iris asks.
" No, not a thing. You?" Joe asks Iris.

" Hey, so... I've been thinking. You've been working around the clock. Maybe you wanna get some rest, go home? You know a good night's sleep wouldn't be the worst thing in the world." Cisco says.
" I'm fine." Caitlin says.
" Look, I get it. You're having a hard time with what happened.  It's a lot to take so soon after.." Cisco says.
" I said I'm fine. " Caitlin says as she leaves.
Barry  comes in.
" Hey." Barry says.
" Did you hear that?" Cisco asks.
" No, what?" Barry asks.
" Caitlin just bit my head off. She's been all business, no emotion lately. She's been... cold." Cisco says.
" Cold? Come on Cisco?" Barry says.
" This could be the beginning of her becoming evil. You're not worried about that?" Cisco asks Barry.
" No I'm not worried about that. Caitlin's not gonna become Killer Frost. Hmm. You haven't mentioned anything about Earth 2, have you?" Barry asks.
" No, cause I know how to keep a secret." Cisco says.
" All right, well, look, I mean it's  gonna take her some time to heal. We just got to be there for her, keep her busy." Barry says. 
" That shouldn't be a problem." Dig says as he and Lyla come in.
" Oh hey Dig, Lyla. What are you giys doing here?" Barry asks.
" We came to give you a heads up Barry." Dig says.
" About what?" Barry asks.
" A meta human who escaped ARGUS custody. Goes by the name King Shark." Lyla says.
" King Shark? You mean the half-man/ half-shark that tried to kill  you months ago. I thought he was dead." Cisco says.
" That's what ARGUS wanted you to  believe when they snatched him up, but believe me, this half- Shark is very much alive, and his biological imperative so telling him to do one thing. That's kill you Barry." Dig says.
" We're gonna need a bigger Flash." Cisco says.

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