Haha, well
my brake is almost over!

I'll talk later, see you!


Read: 1:46 pm

"Well, That was interesting." I scratch the back of my neck. "I wish we took your phone and said stuff like his friend!" Alvaro laughs again. "Oh god, I would literally murder you if you did that." I finished my sandwich.

"If it goes well, you should ask for his ig." Alvaro suggests. "It's probably just pictures of his kid though." Robert puts his elbow on the table and uses his hand to prop up his head. "What if he's got a hot brother or something and I get a chance too!" Alvaro chimes. "Shut up, bottoms." Robert responds. "He not wrong doe." I say. Alvaro smiles.

I check the time. "Lunch is almost over." I inform them. "Bleh, I wish lunch was longer." Alvaro whines. "You whine too much." Robert complains. "Leave me alone, big nose." Alvaro squints his eyes at Robert.

I get up and throw away my trash. "C'mon Alvaro, lunch is practically over." I call out. Alvaro sticks his tongue out at Robert and runs over to me. Robert rolls his eyes. We walk back to class.


I walked out of my campus and called an Uber so I could head to the cafe to see Mattia.

The Uber pulled up and I got in. "Hi, could you take me to Anne's?" I ask. "Sure thing." The man says.

The ride is quiete. I get out my phone and turn on the camera to fix my hair. I get my hair the way I want and sit back in my seat. I look out the window and think.

I honestly hope this goes well. I don't know why I care so much, he's just a random person. Something about him is just different, I guess.

After a while I noticed a nicely decorated cafe with the big letters 'Anne's' on it. The building was of decent size. We pulled in by it and the driver told me that we're here. I payed him and walked out.

I decided to walk in and see if Mattia was there yet.

As I walked in I was greeted by a wonderful smell of coffee and pastries. The warm scent filled my nose as I felt my stomach growl.

I looked around and didn't see Mattia, I guess he's not here yet. I decided I should get coffee while I wait for him. I looked at the menu above the cashiers to see what I wanted. I wanted the caramel macchiato.

I walked up to the place in line behind an old man who was being yelled at by a cashier.

"You stupid old man, Karen acting ass! Get out of my store you old stupid man, you are the biggest idiot! You are disturbing my customers, go away bald head lookin ass! You look like an Oompa Loompa! Get out!" She said quickly.

The man growled under his breath and walked out of the store with his bad attitude. I looked in-front of me to see a decent looking girl telling me to come up with a smile on her face.

"Omg, come here. Take your order. You are sooo cute, and short! Hello!" She smiled brightly. I take a moment to think and begin to speak to take my order, "Hello, I'd like one medium caramel macchiato, please." I say nervously. "Of course, cutie! Coming right uuupppp! That'll be $3.74." She says. I hand her my money. "Name?" She asks. "Kairi, K, a, i, r ,i." I tell her. "Thank youuuu, coming right up." She writes my name on a cup.

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