Big News〖Yoū〗

Start from the beginning

She entered her home and switched to her slippers, she sets her bag on the couch then made her way to the kitchen, "Yoū, I'm home!" She sets the box of cake on the counter and hugging him from behind as he stood in front of the stove, he placed a hand above hers "Hey there, beautiful. Just in time to help me with setting the table." He looked over his shoulder and smiled.

After (Y/N) finished setting the table, Yoū approached her and kissed her cheek, "Thanks, love. I'll take care of the rest, go get dressed, okay?" She nods and grabbed her bag to take up to the room, she checked her phone and saw a text from her brother.

(Y/N)-nee! We're heading over there right now, hope you're decent~ LOL kidding, don't poison my food later...

No promises. I hope you guys make it here safe.

She sighed but placed her phone and bag on top of her dresser and she picked out new clothes from her closet, a simple knee-length (F/C) dress, she walked down the stairs and just in time to hear the ring of the doorbell, "I'll get it!" She called out to Yoū and rushed to the front door and seeing Yoū's older brothers, Sou and Tooru, she smiled at them, "Evening, glad you two made it." Tooru ruffled her hair, "This dinner seemed important to Yoū, we wouldn't miss it for the world. Also, I miss eating Yoū's cooking, isn't that right Sou?" The eldest nodded a small smile appearing on his face, "Yes, I would like to be there for my brother as much as I can be." (Y/N) stepped aside and let them inside, "Pardon the intrusion." They muttered before switching their dress shoes into slippers.

She leads them to the dining room in time to hear the doorbell rang a second time, she excused herself and answered the door for her family to enter, "Welcome, hope you guys are hungry." She smiled as Yuta said enthusiastically said "Of course we are. Can't pass up on Yoū's cooking." Their mother shook her head with a smile and her sister hugged her before they all went to the dining room.

As everyone ate and chat over dinner, Yoū and (Y/N) keep glancing at each other, urging one another to speak up through head motions and eye moment, but the other seems to refuse, Sou had enough of it and sighed loudly, eyes suddenly on him as all conversations stopped, "Is there any reason why we must meet in a private setting? Usually, we just go out to a fancy restaurant, what's really going on?" His eyes narrowed, not really meaning to sound rude but he was getting tired of their weird looks to one another.

(Y/N) look at Yoū, "Me or you?" He shrugs, "They would take it better from you." She groaned and hid her red face behind her hands as Yoū glanced to the side, "Sis, what's going on are you guys breaking up? You don't do that in front of family!" Yuta asked and they both looked at each other, ignoring him as Yoū cleared his throat, "Actually. Quite the opposite..." He starts and he turned to (Y/N) and motioned her to continue what he was saying and she took a deep breath, "Yoū and I...are engaged." Tooru nearly choked and (Y/N)'s sister pat his back and Sou calmly hands him water, Yuta's mouth hanged open and their mother moved to closed it, a big smile on the elder woman's face.

"How long?" Yoū grabbed (Y/N)'s hand under the table, now much calmer now that the secret is out, "Only a week, we talked it over first with our companies, for their blessing if you will." (Y/N) chuckled at the term, "Only everyone here knows, and we intend to keep it that way until the end of the month at best, then we let the media in on it." She smiled as Yoū went to grab the cake and champagne, "Hope you guys have room for dessert." He winked and (Y/N) quickly went to the cupboard to grab champagne flutes, setting them quickly and Yoū poured after she placed them down.

"Cheers!" They raised their glasses, and with permission for Yuta, and they clinked it, and as dinner finished up, everyone left and Yoū was washing the dishes while (Y/N) see her family off, she went back to the kitchen and kissing Yoū's cheek as she leaned back on the counter beside the sink.

"That went well." She giggled as Yoū sighed in relief, "Good grief, I swear Sou nearly got me spoiling the surprise before tonight when he asked what the occasion was." She watched him as he finished up and he looked back at her, "What is there something on my face?" He asked, "Nothing, just wondering how I'm this lucky to have you." He blushed at her blunt words, "Hey, I should be the one lucky." He wiped his hands on his pants before placing them in either side of (Y/N), she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him in for a kiss to which he complied and he slowly wrapped his arms around her waist to deepen the kiss, even lifting her up to place on the counter.

Once they pulled away, out of breath, (Y/N) yawned and placed her head on his chest, "Tired already, I didn't go to the fun part yet?" He whispered in her ear, kissing the top of her head lovingly as she snuggled in his chest, placing small kisses on his exposed neck and collar bone, "Save it for the honeymoon, you." Yoū chuckled at her ever so present comments.

"As you wish, love." He coos before placing an arm on the back of her legs and carried her up the stairs bridal style, "Oi, what are you doing..." She weakly protests as he chuckled, "Just, practicing for the wedding." He used his foot to nudge open the ajar bedroom door and laid (Y/N) on the bed as he went to go change in the bathroom, while (Y/N) changed to her own night attire in the bedroom, he knocked to signal he was finished before exiting, seeing already a curled up (Y/N) in the heavy covers, he went over to his side, kissing (Y/N) on the forehead one last time before laying on the bed and slowly drifting off to sleep, imagining the perfect wedding of his, quite literal at the moment, dreams.

I'm sorry if I'm raving over Yoū too much, please request more characters I need something to write. Also, I just referenced another idol anime, do you know what it is??

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