21 0 0

Young Adult
White Peafowl
Wife and Mother
Back Story
Shin was born into a noble Peacock family, who had risen to power in Gongmen City and were admired by its people for their invention of fireworks. But when the young Shen began to show interest in making weapons that relied on the fireworks' gunpowder, his loving father and mother grew worried and asked their court soothsayer what his future held. She proclaimed that if he continued with his dark pursuits, he would be defeated by "a warrior of black and white".

Shen overheard this prophecy and sought to defy it, fearing any obstacles in his plans. Assuming the "warrior of black and white" referred to a panda, Shen led his wolf followers in decimating a farming village populated by the black-and-white-colored bears, intending to leave none alive. Once the village had been put to the torch, Shen returned home, expecting praise from his parents. However, his parents were horrified at their son's actions and instead banished him from the city forever, with their throne eventually being turned over to the stewardship of Master Thundering Rhino and the Kung Fu Council. Shen left Gongmen City with his followers filled with anger and feeling wronged by his parents, as he considered his actions as bravely defying fate to realize his goals. He swore revenge while promising he would someday return and rule supreme over all of China.

That is where I come in, my name is Nala and I am the former wife of Shin.  I along with my 2 children fled and are in hiding from Shin and his army. 
Before we fled during the night, I told Shin that I was scared that he would be hurt or even killed if he did not stop this.  I tried to warn him that the predictions that had been made about him were going to come true and that he would go down in not glory but in utter disgrace.
It was nearing midnight when I woke my 2 children and told them that we needed to leave. They asked where we were going and I told them to safety as I was fearing for our lives.
We fled on foot, only taking a few things with us.  We left no note.
Things were not looking good for us, until we were taken in by a group of Pandas.
We are now feeling safe and someday hope to go home.
Sometime later the predictions that had been made about Shin came true and he was defeated by Po.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2020 ⏰

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