Chapter one - where it all began

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'Everything was so much simpler back then, no worry's except for putting food on the table and running around after school each night with timothee and ansel trying to get into auditions even though we would always be late, but then something changed once he left, and then I left, and then ansel did. I don't know what happened and I don't know how to fix it, but now it's like we pretend like what happened never happened but he knows and I know that we still feel it. It doesn't matter anymore, it's history right? He moved on.... maybe I should too. We aren't kids anymore, we can't love the ones the left you. I need to focus on my career'

Three years earlier

I rolled out of bed and opened my blinds to reveal the busy city. I slumped down the stairs to find my younger brother sitting at the bench and my mum over at the stove cooking what smelled like pancakes.
'hey Luca' I said as I patted him on the head.
'Y/n! You're still not dressed? Timothee and ansel will be here any second' she whined
'Yes yes, i know, i slept through my alarm but i'm awake now' i said as i stood up and started walking back up the stairs with a piece of toast in my hand
'Well you should've been awake an hour ago, y/n this is your first day of senior year and your already going to be late' she yelled up the staircase
'It's going to be fine mum, I promise I'll work hard and I'll get that scholarship, you don't need to worry. I'll pick up an extra shift at the supermarket or something' i yelled back as i squeezed on some jeans
'Okay... hey is Timothee and Ansel coming over for dinner tonight?' she asked. She loved it when the boys came over, I think it reminded her of when my father was around.
'Uh i don't know mum, i'll ask them today' i yelled as i brushed my hair
'Okay well let them know that we are having lasagna for dinner' i could hear the excitement in her voice
'Okay mum' I replied with a slight giggle.
I threw on top and a warm jacket, brushed my teeth and chucked on some shoes. I was walking down the stairs when the doorbell rang. I swung my bag over my shoulder and opened the door.
'Hey y/n!' Timothee said with a big smile on his face as he brung me in for a hug.
Before i could even say another word, ansel wrapped his arms over me like he hadn't seen me in years even though it had only been a few weeks
'Oh my god, we both missed you so much!! Music camp wasn't the same without you' he smiled
'Ha well new york didn't shine as bright with you guys gone' i laughed
'Good to hear' timothee giggled.
We all met on the third day of kindergarten. Ansel has short hair with blue eyes. He was always in a good mood which was somewhat refreshing. Timothee on the other hand was tall, he had hazel eyes that changed to green in the light and gorgeous curly hair that always seemed to fall perfectly. He had a slight studder whenever he was nervous. His family is French but later moved to New York when timothee was born. His family was pretty wealthy, something to do with their rich grandparents dying and his mum being the favourite daughter, but I never really saw money being a part of our relationship.
'Ms. Y/l/n!! How's it going' timothee said as he walked inside and pulled my mum in for a hug
'Oh tim when are you ever gonna learn, just call me y/m/n' she smiled as he released his grip on her
'Oh by the way do you boys want to come over for dinner tonight? We are having lasagna' She asked with excitement
'Oh sorry y/m/n I can't, I'm meeting up with my sister in the city' ansel sighed
'I can, I always have time for some famous y/m/n lasagna' timothee smiled as he high fived my brother
'Okay well we better head, don't wanna be late' I said grabbing timothee a hand to basically drag him out the door. He loved hanging out at my house, he said it had a warm coziness and he was always happy here.
'Okay see ya boys, Timothée and y/n be home at 7 for dinner' she said as she stood at the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2020 ⏰

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