Chapter 2

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Joi had ask her boyfriend.

"no I didn't, everybody asking me that and we made a promise. Don't let the rumors, tell us to do any different." He said

"I hear you." She really didn't do nothing and keep it moving.

The next day everything was normal with her and Josh but she kept her distance from Tasha. She didn't want to look at her because she know if she look her way, she will start talking to her. She went to classes, did her work and ate lunch with Josh. Everybody was looking but she know its a boyfriend thing. So why worry bout it. The people was wondering why is they together.

"I thought y'all learn from the first time!" We ignored them but still deep down She know She is not right with this dude because she thought it was just between her and him. As the days go by she was thinking hard about Tasha. She was thinking why me. Should she go and ask tasha about that rumors or just be friends and keep it moving? She was hearing negatives things about her. Still she felt negative energy toward her way. Wonder who can i trust, Tasha or Timothy, her bestfriend she knew for a long time or the boy she did it with and trusted him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2015 ⏰

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