Chapter 11 The Crime

Start from the beginning

She quickly nodded, "Great idea."

After about five minutes everything was perfectly set up and I went to get the doctor.

When he walked in he sat beside her, "How are you feeling?"

Hayoon winced in pain, "Horrible, I feel like I'm going to die."

He shook his head, "You're not dying. Now let me see your arm."

Perfectly on que the maid stuck her arm from out from under the blanket and he firmly pressed two fingers to her wrist.

His eyes suddenly went wide and he tried a different spot on her arm.

"What's wrong?" Hayoon asked.

"It's the baby, I'm afraid... it's gone."

Hayoon gasped and let her head fall back on the pillow. "No. No, why!"

I looked to the doctor, "She probably needs some time."

He nodded and grabbed his things, "You're right, tell me if anything worsens."

When the door shut the maid poked her head out, "May I leave, it's hot in here."

I gave the maid a stern look, "You didn't see, do, or hear anying here, did you?"

She shook her head, "Nothing, I don't even know what you're talking about."

As she left I tossed her some money and I went over to Hayoon, "Our plan should be taking effect right about now."

-Zhao Ren POV-

I waited in the halls hoping to see the doctor, and I finally seen him heading my way so I stopped him.

"Doctor, is everything okay?"

"Um, well..."

"Oh no, is the baby okay."

The doctor shook his head, "The babys pulse isn't there."

My eyes went wide and I pretended to look confused, "Oh, so she's not pregnant?"

He nodded, "That's right, so sad."

When he was gone I whispered to a maid that was walking behind the doctor "Hear that? I want you to spread the rumor that Hayoon was never pregnant and that she faked the whole thing for attention."

The maid nodded and went on her way to start spreading the rumor.

I leaned on the wall and smirked, that bitch Hayoon thought she could have the emperors baby. Well she's wrong. Not only did I kill her baby but now I'm going to have her killed for faking the pregnancy.

Oh, it's almost too perfect. Nothing will stop me from taking back what mine. I will rule this country.

-Kang Xi POV-

As the day winded to a close I left my throne room to head back to my palace.

I was almost there when I heard that ugly ass voice and I rolled my eyes.

"Emperor! It's me Zhao Ren."

I turned around and glared at her, "What."

She did an over exaggerated sigh, "Oh, have you heard the terrible news?"

"What news?"

"About Hayoon, she lost the baby."

My eyes went wide and it felt like I was just stabbed in the chest, "No. Oh my god."

She nodded, "And I heard she faked the pregnancy just for attention."

That just made me even more angry, "Get out of my sight!"

"Well don't yell at me. Besides she's going to be punished for her crimes tomorrow morning."

"What? Why has no one told me?"

She scoffed, "Because we don't need the emperors permission to punish a criminal."

In a flash of anger I slapped her and yelled, "I can't wait to see the day you die!"

She clutched her face and ran. This has to be a lie, Hayoon wouldn't lie about this.

-The Next Day-

-Wang Shu POV-

"Hayoon, are you okay?"

She nodded, "Yea, I'm great. All I have to do is let the doctor check the pulse and when he says the baby's pulse is there the empress will be blamed for starting the rumor I faked the pregnancy."

"Exactly. Now I have to take you to the throne room."

"Let's go."

On our way there she decided to start crying to play up the act really well.

At the throne room doors she was taken and sat in the middle of the floor.

Everyone in the room looked nervous. They didn't know what was going to happen to Hayoon.

The first person to speak was the empress.

"What do you have to say for your crimes Hayoon?"

Hayoon raised an eyebrow and acted confused, "What crimes? I haven't done anything."

The empress rolled he eyes, "You faking your pregnancy. That's a serious crime. And you're going to face the highest punishment for your crime."

"Faking my pregnancy? I would never do that."

"Oh please, you claimed you lost your baby as an excuse."

Just then Hayoon looked at me confused, "Wang Shu, did I ever say I lost my baby? I don't remember ever saying that."

I shook my head, "No, I never heard you say that. And I've been with you since yesterday."

When I said that everyone began to whisper and the empress was clearly growing nervous.

And I decided to keep going and call over the doctor, "Check her pulse. Now, I want this settled."

The doctor shrugged and placed his fingers in Hayoons wrist. His eyes went wide and he smiled, "The baby is alive and well."

Everyone then gasped suddenly one of the governor's jumped out of his seat, "The empress is the one that started this rumor. How dare she!"

All the others began to point and yell at the empress. But before it got worse the emperor got up and silenced them. For a moment I thought he was on her side but when he looked at the Empress his anger was evident.

"Zhao Ren, what do you have to say for your crimes?"

She balled up her fists and hit the table, "I just wanted that damn Hayoon out of the palace! Is that so wrong?"

"You attempted to have the carrier of my child imprisoned or worse. That's a serious crime, Zhao Ren."

She gritted her teeth, "Stop calling me that, I'm the empress!"

The emperor smirked, "Hopefully not for long. Now everyone may be dismissed but Zhao Ren, you are to be stripped of all authority until I say otherwise."

She gasped, "No you can't do this!"

The emperors mother Kang Zhang chuckled, "Oh, but he already has."

Empress Wang ShuWhere stories live. Discover now