Saving Digimon City Part 3

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Last Time On A Digimon Scientific Railgun.........

"Who was that?" asked Uiharu.

"It look like Laylamon." Said Kuroko.

"But what happened?" Said Alice.

"I have a sneaky idea who did it." Said Mikoto as she looked back to the castle.


Back with the others.........

"Well that was satisfying." Said Saten.

Suddenly a podcasting camera came out of the stone floor as their was a buzzing sound. KingEtemon must be podcasting his show again.

"Welcome to my show again. Now you will see the punishment I had plan for the captured humans and their Digimon partners!" Said KingEtemon as they can hear him podcasting his voice over the speakers in the basement.

KingEtemon face then popped on the computer screen. "And now... Hey wait!!! How did you get out!?" asked KingEtemon as he just noticed the captured humans and their Digimon partners freed and have Digivoled.

"Hehe!" Said Saten as she made a mocking face. Drake had his tongue out as he mocked KingEtemon as well.


Back in Digimon City......

"Hey! That is Saten!" Said Uiharu as she and the others were watching the live broadcast on the floating TVs in Digimon City.

"And that is Drake." Said Alice.

"And that is the princess!!" Said Mikoto as she can see Beastmon on the TVs.

"But how did they get free?" asked Kuroko.

"How did you all get yourself free!? Who freed the princess!?" asked KingEtemon.

Suddenly, someone walked right infront of the podcasting camera. Sam lowered himself so that his face was broadcast everywhere.

"That would be me!" Said Sam.

"ITS SAM!" Said the girls.

"How did you get past my guards and my security?!" asked KingEtemon with a angry look on his golden face.

"It is called sneaking around. Now, that my friends and the princess is freed, your next KingEtemon. The time of justice has come KingEtemon!" Said Sam before he crushed the podcasting camera.

On top of a near by building, the mysterious person named Norm watched the live feed and had a smiled on her face.


With KingEtemon.............

"Unbelievable! I am about to lose to a human and a Digimon!?" Asked KingEtemon as he continues to sit on his throne.

Suddenly, the floor right infront of him exploded as a stream of fire came right through it, creating a large hole.

WarGreymon was the first to came out of the hole as he was carrying Sam and Beastmon in his hands. The other two Digimons carried their human partners and joined him. The Digimon gently set everyone down away from the hole as Sam stared at KingEtemon with anger.

"Well well. KingEtemon. We meet face to face!" Said Sam as he narrowed his eyes.

"Same thing to you human!" Said KingEtemon.

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