The Special Day - Part One

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((John's point of view. Ethan is a random oc I use to drive rp plot, soo- cool, enjoy dah story))

I feel hands trace the length of my arm through the thick fabric of my suit. A measuring tape is taking last-minute sizes. I smile in the full-length mirror, golden blond hair freshly trimmed and styled; gently slick back in a wave, devilishly handsome. My blue eyes sparkle against the mahogany red dress shirt and black jacket which clash with the cool colour.

"Alright, Mister Smith. Arms down, please." the tailor politely orders.

I do as he says and bring my arms to my side. My smile is wide and excited.

"All done, Mister."

I nod and turn to the tailor as I straighten the jacket slyly. "How do I look, Charles?"

"Amazing, Sir," the tailor, Charles, replies.

I pat him on the shoulder, my smile growing even stupider. "Thank you. This is truly a beautiful suit."

He simply nods.

I rub his shoulder once and take off, past him. I turn a corner and wave to a clerk as I snag my coat from a hook, shoving my arms through it quickly as I push the door out of the shop open with telekinesis. My best friend, Ethan, is waiting in a clean Honda Civic, which I open the passenger-side door to and calmly climb in, trying to not ruin the suit. He sees me and whistles.

"Damn, Princess got an upgrade, huh?"

I roll my eyes. I look over to him, his jet-black hair with streaks of dark red through it and his amber eyes that burn with spirit and personality; he's the first friend I've made since the war and has been with me through thick and thin. Sun shines through the front glass so Ethan and I pull down the visors. He shrugs.

"You're moving on to greater things, John."

I look back over as he slowly pulls out of the parking spot.

"Oh, come on, Ethan. You'll still be my best friend."

He gives me another shrug, focusing on the road. I look forward, letting a small pause rest in the air between us. The road is busy with cars, honks and distant sirens blare throughout the city of Chicago.

"Maybe," he finally whispers. "Anyways, you have a wedding to get to!"

I nod and smile. I'm thankful for Ethan's recovery.

"I sure do! Five's going to look so handsome," I breathe dreamily.

After the war and after the scene with Marina on her boat, I returned to the island. I saved him and he kept to himself while he stayed with Ella and I in the cave. Marina returned to her own island and, slowly, he opened up; gave more backstory for us to work with. I felt bad for him. We became friends- best friends, even- and helped each other through stuff.

Then the feelings started.

No, not for Five, but Nine. We got together- Nine and I- but it didn't last. I couldn't be as open with him as I could Five and I soon realized why; I had more than friendly feelings for Five, I loved him.

And here we are, four years later.

Eventually, we reach the residence of Five and I; the floor bellow Nine in the John Hancock building. Big mistake, by the way. Ethan hops out first, followed by me. A distant shadow slowly begins to appear on the ground from somewhere above. What the-? I think. Two thick paws push on my shoulder blades, making me shout a muted oof! And stumble forwards. I turn around as a griffon is swooping back to fly at me again.

"Bernie Kosar!" I gasp as he lands in my arms.

I laugh and so does Ethan who is walking around the front of his car.

"This is the guy, huh?"

BK turns into his iconic beagle form and sits down innocently.

I've missed you

I smile at him and reply, I've missed you too, old pal.

I dust myself off and walk with Bernie Kosar and Ethan up to the building. We enter and wave to the woman in the reception desk and we make our way to the elevator. All three of us file in and I press the button for my floor. After a short moment of silence, a ding! fills my ears and the doors open to reveal our penthouse. 

"Coming!" I hear Nine call as we exit, the doors closing behind us.

He appears around the corner a short moment later, dressed in his own suit. It isn't as fancy as mine, but still handsome. Nine is Five's best man- I know, I know, but they made up- and Ethan is mine. Nine looks at me and his stupid Nine smile appears as he gives me a big hug, squeezing me tightly.

"Hey, Five. Your man's here," He calls with a wink sent my direction.

"I'll be there in a minute." Five shouts as footsteps down the hall fills my ears. "Hi, John. Hey, Ethan." he adds.

I share a look with Ethan, he can tell how excited I am. Ethan and I enter deeper into the penthouse and take a seat at Five and I's kitchen table. Nine gets us both a glass of wine, easily handing one to Ethan. He slowly and cautiously hands me mine. I take it with a slight frown.

I have a bad history with alcohol. For a brief time after the war, I drank. A lot. That's how I meet Ethan; he's a local bartender in charge of a popular bar in Chicago, Three Dots and a Dash.

I take a small sip and watch the hall carefully, eager to see what Five looks like.

Five comes around the corner, his face flushed with embarrassment. "Are we late because of me..?" He asks, making his way towards us. 

BK barks and I shake my head with a huge grin. "No, not at all." 

He is wearing a white suit and has a baby blue undershirt. His olive complexion and dark brown hair are complimented by the suit beautify.

"You look perfect," I think out loud.

He reaches us and I get out of my chair. I feel Nine and Ethan's eyes on us as he embraces me tightly, arms wrapped around my waist. I place my chin on his head and close my eyes, smelling the sweet scent of his cologne and my spicy one mix. His hair is soft and smells of coconut.

"You look perfect," he says in my ear, tickling me.  

Nine lets out an over dramatic awe! I roll my eyes as I giggle and pull away. "Let's get married." 

((Wowwwww, sO shORT. It's okay, more is coming!))

((Word count : 1108 words))

((Time taken : 1 hour 45 minutes??))

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Apr 22, 2020 ⏰

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