"Don't play mother, just because she isn't home." Jo spoke rolling her eyes at her older sister. Jo grabbed a pillow at threw it at her. Amy groaned, "Don't do that Jo! That's so boyish." She said turning around. "That's why I do it!" Jo shrugged. "I detest rude, un-lady like girls." Amy fought.

"I hate affected little chits!" Jo fought back. Jo tackled amy and brought in Lily and Lily brought in Meg whole Meg brought in Beth and the five wrested each other in their living room. "My nose! Watch my nose!" Amy laughed.

In came Hannah their maid, "I know you don't care what I think but you don't want your mother coming in and seeing this?" Hannah said. All the girls came rushing up to Hannah. "We care about you Hannah!" Meg said as the girl's tackled her into a big hug. "You more family then wicked Aunt March." Jo said and Lily laughed high fiving her older sister.

"Where's Marmee?" Amy asked as they all let go. "Goodness only knows. Some poor creatures came a-beggin, and your mom went straight off to see what was needed." Hannah said shaking her head.

"I wish she could help people at a time convenient time for us." Jo said and Lily nodded. "Joana and I are very hungry." Beth said holding her doll close to her chest. "Dolls don't get hungry Beth!" Amy said shaking her head.

Jo held up pieces of paper, "I've re-written the climax and we need to set into memory. Amy, get the costumes!" Jo said. The girls did a play. They would dress up and act it out. Jo wrote it of course. And Beth and Lily made the props while Meg and Amy worked on the outfits.

Amy clapped her hands together with a smile, "I've made a divine hat! And I painted these shoes blue so she looks even more like a princess!" Amy said holding them up. "I think the melancholy piece. I've figured out is pretty good." Beth said reading the script and Lily nodded.

Beth handed back the paper and headed over to her piano. "Meg just wait till you see this speech!" Jo said. "I don't get how you write such splendid things Jo! Your a regular Shakespeare!" Lily gushed reading through the script. "Not quite." Jo responded before facing Amy, "Miss Michelangelo will you please practice the fainting scene." She said with a posh voice.

The girls giggled as Amy fell horribly. "Your as stiff as a poker in that!" Jo said helping the girl up and shaking her head. "I can't help it! I don't ever faint! And I don't choose to make myself black and blue. If I can go down easily i'll drop! If I can't, i'll fall down into a chair and be graceful. I don't care if Hugo does come at me with a pistol!" Amy spoke falling on said chair gracefully.

Jo and Lily faced Hannah. "Hannah." They both said at the same time with a smile. "I'm not going to act." She responded wiping the smile of both their faces. "We didn't even say anything!" Jo said raising her arms. "I knew what you two were gonna say and i'm not acting." To which Lily just groaned.

The door opened and in came Marmee. The girls smiled and rushed to hug their mother before quickly sitting down as they were very hungry. "I could eat a horse!" Jo said to which Amy just slapped her with her napkin.

The girls looked at their mother's face that looked so upset. "What is it?" Lily asked confused why her mother looked that way. "Not far from here lives a poor women. Mrs.Hummel. Her five children are in one bed so they don't freeze and there is nothing to eat. My girls, would you mind giving up your breakfast to them. As a Christmas present." Their mother asked with pleading eyes.

The girls looked around at each other and nodded to their mother which made their mother smile and thank her daughters.


THE MARCH FAMILY WERE WALKING IN THE FREEZING snow. They packed their food, blankets, mittens and hats. They didn't have a lot, but they did want to help the family anyway they can. Lily had given up an old dress of her's to the oldest girl.

Marmee knocked on the door and the women opened up with a crying baby on her waist. The March family walked in and Lily's face grew in sadness. It was a one room cabin. They had a small table, and a small fire place. In the corner sat a twin sized bed that Lily slept in. Four children sat there huddled up next to each other to try and keep warm.

Beth took the crying baby and Lily helped set out all the food. Once they did they took their now empty baskets bid their goodbyes before leaving.

Lily's stomach growled but she was oh so happy to help that family. It needed lots of help and Lily knew she was going to be visiting that family a lot more.

They entered the home, Amy being first and
Lily being last. On the table sat a bunch of delicious food that the family couldn't afford.

"Mr.Laurence sent it." Hannah said. Lily's smile grew. She knew it was him. He was so kind to the family and Lily made a mental note to go over sometime to thank him.

They sat down and started to dig in, their faces filled with joy and happiness. It was a Christmas for the books. That's for sure.


𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐅𝐋𝐎𝐖𝐄𝐑, laurie laurence. Where stories live. Discover now