Chapter one, This is my life

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"Louise what are you doing? " I asked in a surprised tone.
"I'm just em, making a friendship bracelet for Justine" she replied holding up a stupid purple piece of plastic.
"BUT YOUR MEANT TO BE MY BEST FRIEND" I yelled angrily and then stormed of in a rage. Ok I know it's maybe not the best way to deal with problems but at least it makes people know I mean business.

No one takes advantage of Tracy Beakers friendship. They will come crawling back when they see me on TV with my mum acting in the next big block buster with Johnny dep or Zac Efron. All of our adoring fans will fall at our feet claiming that there not worthy.  People paying millions of pounds just to get a autograph!
Chanting, Tracy, Tracy ,Tracy  , Tracy.

"Tracy, Tracy, Tracy are you there" Mike said waking me up from my fantasy, how DARE he.
"WHAT" I shouted. Mike flinched a bit when I shouted I don't think he was expecting it.
"Tracy I think your forgetting something!" Mike stated.
"What? Is cam coming today to adopt me?" I said hopefully.
"Nice try kid, but it's your turn to do the dishes" he said with a stupid smug grin on his face.
"Oh BOG Off MIKE!!!" I said.

Me do chores, like that is ever going to happen.

Tracy Beaker (Just BOG OFF)Where stories live. Discover now