"Next," the worker called. We gave him some money to let us on the ride. Dylan's arm was still around me. I was aiming towards a seat in the back, but he geared us towards the front cart. Oh crap.

We sat in our seat and buckled up. "If you don't like roller coasters, then why are you on one in the first place?" Scott asked from behind us. I turned to notice him and Hayden in the cart behind us. Hayden clutched on to the bar quite tightly.

"Adrenaline?" I told him like it was a question. He was going to say something else, but the coaster took off and I mainly focused my attention on staying alive. We headed up a steep hill and I could feel my palms starting to sweat. The bar was of no use of holding onto if my hands were just going to effortlessly slip off. The rollercoaster reached the top. I took a deep breath and then the cart zipped down at great speed. My stomach flip-flopped inside of me and it felt like I was going to throw it up. A scream managed to escape my mouth and I clenched my eyes shut. Closing my eyes and feeling my body zip in different directions felt even worse, so I kept them open.

"I'm dying, aren't I?" I whispered to myself.

I heard Dylan laugh. "You're pretty funny Heaton. I was wondering if you wanted to go out sometime."

My head snapped up from its protective position. The ride was over.

"Um," I drifted off. "That'd be...nice."

He held my hand as we got off the rollercoaster. Maybe a summer fling would be nice to get my mind off of Darren. Had Dylan always felt this way about me? My heart fluttered at the thought of that.

Scott interrupted. "Dude, we've got to get going to the game. It's starts in like, two minutes."

Dylan turned to face me. "I have to go. Text me sometime. I'll be looking forward to hanging with you." He flashed me a smile. I waved them goodbye as they ran over the sandy hill and to the stadium.

Objects appeared a little blurry to me. I was beginning to feel queasy, so I took a seat on the wooden benches again and took some deep breaths. Aunt Julia was right; I needed social time and I was having a pretty fun time on the beach, besides the fact that I felt like vomiting every time I inhaled.

"Well, well, well. Isn't it Gabriella Heaton?" a girly voice asked from behind me. I looked up to see a feminine figure. She had brown eyes, long blonde wavy hair, and bow shaped lips. With her svelte appearance, it was like she was a model from a magazine. Reality began to sink in; my jaw dropped as I figured out who was standing in front of me. No way.

"Cecily? Cecily Hales? Is that really you?" I asked, slightly appalled. The last time I saw Cecily, she was wearing sweatpants and ratty sneakers. She was a total tomboy back then, nothing compared to the beautiful girl standing in front of me. It was hard to believe it was her!

Her hair looked like it was made of silk and her complexion was perfectly tan; she was practically glowing! She now wore makeup and was wearing pink. That was the last color you would see her in back then.

"Well don't just stand there! Come over here and give me a hug!" she said excitedly.

I ran up to her and hugged her. She smelt good, like peaches. It felt good to see her. Cecily Hales's appearance might have changed, but I could tell that she was still the rambunctious and cordial friend I had six years ago. Her new look might have been unexpected, but I was actually sort happy to have a girl-friend I could talk to this summer.

"So how've you been? You look great Gabby!" she said twirling me around.

"I've been good," I lied again for the fourth time that afternoon.

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