incorrect quotes (OoOS2)

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Xylo: Let me see what you have!
Ricarro: A KNIFE!
Xylo: NO!
Bryan and Inpu: I can show you the world~~🎶
River: I wish I had a boyfriend...🎶
Inpu: How do Solis and Ricarro get out of these kinds of messes?
Xylo: They don't. They just make a bigger mess that cancels the first one out.
Daveed arrives at camp
Kayla: Fuck this shit I'm out
Lychee: God bless you
Davis: Not lately
Mario: Just tried Pineapple on pizza. Honestly? It's was pretty good.
Xylo: That's him, officer, that's the guys right there,take the shot before he gets away.
Solis after cheating (in a game owo): How was I suppose to know there was going to be consequences for my actions?
Bryan,to Inpu: Our babies will be smart AND beautiful!
Daveed: Not to mention imaginary
Jyles: Why do people love babies so much,like SERIOUSLY,they whine,they poop,they make you clean up your messes,and they're cute and adorable and will one day grow up and--oh Gosh dangit!!
Bryan: I love you~
Inpu: I love you more~
Bryan: No I do
Inpu: No I do
Bryan: No me!
Inpu: No! I love you more and that's final!
Bryan: ...Okay
River,to Drannus: Wait a minute...wHo arE YOu?
Seek: I eat apples.
Colin: I drink melon smoothies.
Austin: I eat rocks!
Everyone looks at him weirdly
Kayla: Ricarro,I think it's time to tell you that,your bacon allergy was a lie
Xylo: Your mom made it up so you'd eat healthier.
Ricarro: What? No. No. I'm just allergic to a lot of stuff.
Ricarro: Bacon, donuts, Halloween candy, not saying "thank you"-
Ricarro: Oh my god
Cal,tied to a tree upside down: You wondering how I got into this situation,well...I don't know either
Mostly Everyone: WHAT DOES THE FOX SAY!?
Momiji: ....meow
Inpu sleeping
Solis: Hey Inpu
Solis: Inpu
Solis: Hey
Inpu: What?
Solis: Are you asleep?
Inpu: Really..
Inpu to River: Roses are red,Violets are Blue, stay away from me and Bryan, fuck you
Random person: Okay role call time!
Random person: The anime dorks
Mario and Cal: Here
Random person: The Beans
Solis and Ricarro: Here!
Random: And the ones that turned evil or are still evil because they are/were possessed or controlled
Bryan and Dranne:
Ricarro: owo
Cal: What are you doing?
Ricarro: òwó
Cal: Stop that!
Ricarro: ùwú
Cal: NOOOO!!!
Bryan No! Pls don't go! I need you!!!
Jakey: Oh well... then die
Jyles walking into Bryan place: Oh I see you aren't busy
Bryan: Actually Jyles, I am busy
River: I love you!
Bryan: Oh well I love Inpu now
River: But I gave you gold fish!
Bryan: Well he gave me a cookie
River: Oh a whole cookie...
Someone: If your happy and you know it clap your hands
Someone: If you happy and you know it clap your hands?
Lychee: If your life's a fucking mess and your feeling fucking stressed,if your fucking depressed clap your hand
Almost everyone claps there hands
Mania: Can you guys at least try to see this from my perspective?
Cal: *crouches down*
Davis: *kneels down*
Nad: *sits on the floor*
Mania: I dislike you all
Mikael: Swear words are illegal now. If you say one you will be fined.
Ricarro: Heck.
Mikael: You're on thin fucking ice.
Mikael: Shit.
Jyles: What doesn't kill you gives you a lot of unhealthy coping mechanisms and a really dark sense of humor.
Inpu: He's injured.
Xylo: I'm nOT injured... I'm just lightly stabbed!
Kayla: I'm sorry, you were sTaBBeD?!?
Xylo: Lightly
(Okay,so this is one from season 1,if you ever watch Kayla or Xylo's episodes you would probably get it)
Kayla: What language were Homer's the Iliad and the Odyssey written in? Xylo?
Xylo: Greek?
Kayla: Wrong! Mario?
Mario: Greek?
Kayla: Correct!
Bryan: Oh c'mon, I didn't drink that much last night!
Cal: You were flirting with Inpu.
Bryan: So what? He's my fiance.
Cal: You ask if he was single...
Nad: And then you cried when he said he wasn't.
Daveed: When I was born, the gods said, "Too pure, much perfection."
Brandeen: Wrong.
Brandeen: When you were born the devil said, "OoOooHh cOmpETiTioN."
Nad: There are seven chairs and ten kids. What do you do?
Ricarro: Have everyone stand
Cal: Bring three more chairs!
Lee: The best seven of the lot can sit down.
Lychee: Kill three.
River: Let's all be on our best behavior.
Kayla: ...
Mario: ...
Xylo: Why's everyone looking at me?!
[At Disneyland, in the teacups]
Inpu and Bryan: [Spinning a little and talking]
Ricarro and Solis: [Fly past them spinning as fast as they can, screaming]
The 8 people on a road trip
Mario: driving
Kayla: navigating
Solis: constantly changing the music
Inpu: in the very back,reading a book
Nad: eating and talking
Ricarro: playing I spy but ends up playing by himself
Cal: passing out food and yelling at Nad to stop making a damn mess
Bryan: sitting on Inpu's lap because there are no more seats
Mario: Merry Christmas?
Xylo: It's not Christmas.
Kayla: Happy Halloween?
Xylo: It's not Halloween.
Mario:Happy New Year?
Xylo: No.
Kayla: Happy .... Monday?
Xylo: OH MY GOD! How do you guys forget my birthday?!

And that's all sooooooo Bye! :3

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2020 ⏰

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