Canada's Insanity

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Canada's POV

I was laying in bed, curled up in a my red blanket. It was a sunday, and I didn't want to wake up. But I did. There was a lot of conversation downstairs. It sounded like my father and mother...and some other people but I couldn't make out their accents. I slowly stood up and took a deep breath. It sounded like someone was crying downstairs. I kind of didn't care but a part of me wanted to find out what was going on down there, so I wrapped my blanket around myself and opened my door. I walked down stairs, and it was my mother, France, on her knees crying. 

There was my father, UK, standing over her. And next to my father was another women who was red and yellow or something. In the corner of the kitchen was a guy who looked slightly older than me, and I'm 15 at the time. He had stripes all over his skin and stars on the left side of his eye. He was watching something on his phone, not really paying attention. 

Anyways, my mother France sprinted over to me and hugged me like it was the end of the world. Everyone looked my way and I kinda freaked out a little. "Oh my sweet baby..." France kept telling me everything was fine and I was going to be okay. I was a little confused. "Mom. Wh-what's happening?" I asked. Before she could say anything, I was pulled away by the red and yellow women. "Your mother is leaving you, and I'm your new mother and I will take better care of you, son~" The women kissed my check multiple times. She sounded..Spanish? Either way I was really uncomfortable and had no choice other than to believe her. UK dragged France out of the house while the Spanish women held me in her arms like a baby, which I am not. I tried getting the other kid's attention but he was glued to his phone. 

Before I knew it, my true mother was gone.

There were sirens outside as well. Police sirens? Before I knew it, I had an anxiety attack and passed out. 

Later, I found myself in a hospital. Nobody was in the room to tell me what happened, so I panicked again. I threw myself off the hospital bed, and suddenly the door opened. It was a nurse. She or he shrieked when they found me on the ground on all fours. They saw how freaked out I as though, and helped me back up to explain everything. When she said I had an anxiety attack, I calmed down because I didn't want another one. I finally managed to get her to stop talking about how I got here, and asked, "Ma'am..what happened to my mom?" She said my mother, Spain, is perfectly fine. Spain isn't my mother...Definitely not my mother. "No. My real mother." I repeated. 

"Spain is your real mother Canada, now get some rest." 

What the heck?! The nurse left and I walked behind her, repeatedly asking about my mother. She kept telling me Spain was fine and Spain is my mother. She tried getting away from me a few times but I disobeyed and kept asking. I needed the true answer. But then I stopped walking. Who really is my true mother? What real mother? Questions started filling my head until I fainted again. 

I can't let go of this memory. I don't want to forget anymore. I don't want to loose anyone. I need to protect the special ones. I-I need t-to...

Word count: 602 

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