Saving Digimon City Part 2

Start from the beginning

Sam and Agumon are now sneaking their way into the castle to find the other two Digidestined. Who is this Norn person and how does she know Sam?


With Renamon......... 6:00 AM..........

"WHAT!?" shouted the female voices in the hideout. Renamon had woken up the girls early and their partners and told them all that happened.

"What do you mean Sam and Agumon left to sneak into the castle?!" Asked Mikoto.

"After this person named Norm told them about what will happen to Saten and Drake, Norn opened up a portal that took them to the castle." Said Renamon.

"I told him to wait until morning for us to come up with a plan!" Said Mikoto.

"Yes. Your brother should have listen to you Sissy." Said Kuroko. Kuroko and Alice were able to figure out the secret by themselves. And Mikoto doesn't have time to talk about it.

"Even if we come up with a plan. We won't know about the brainwashing they will do to your friends." Said Renamon. When she repeated this info to Mikoto, she calmed down.

"But Sam should have told us." Said Mikoto.

"The only thing we can do now and wait." Said Gabumon.

"We would risk everything if we try sneak into the castle to find Sam." Said Biyomon.

"Bad bad!" Said Guilmon.

"So what now?" Asked Mikoto.

"We wait for something to happen." Said Renamon. The girls didn't want to do that but they know they must put their trust in Sam and Agumon to save Saten and Drake and stop KingEtemon.


Castle............ 8:00 Am.........

It has been a few hours since Sam and Agumon were sent into the castle. They continue to sneak around. They only got about two hours left until it is too late.

"Man. We have been in this castle possibly a few hours and we can't find a way down or even stairs." Whispered Sam

"Well, maybe who ever created this castle might have wanted to make it confusing to the Digimon and humans." Whispered Agumon.

"If I ever find who did created this castle the way they wanted, I am going to have a chat with them." Whispered Sam. They then heard some footsteps getting louder.

"Uh-oh" Said Agumon.

"Quick. Hide!" Said Sam.

"Where?" Asked Agumon.

"Anywhere!" Whispered Sam.

Agumon and Sam quickly hide inside a standing up knight suit. Just in time as three identical orange monkeys came around the corner in the hallway. Etemon


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