Yes, Mr. Ground Zero?

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A/N: Day two! This is an Office AU, Boss x Assistant. Now, this doesn't mean one is fucking eons younger than the other.


Instead, they're very close in age, if not the same age. I dunno if age is even gonna come up in this oneshot, but if it does, I'll decide then.

Anyway, let's start!

Kirishima's POV

I was sitting at my desk, going through documents and paperwork, as you would assume a secretary would do.

And bitch, I'm a secretary.

But, anyway, I was trying to get work done when the elevator door on the opposite side of the room made a small noise.

Looking up from my work, I saw the doors open to see Mr. Ground Zero being followed by someone, just mumbling and speaking to him.

Mr. Ground Zero looked more than displeased. He actually looked a bit uncomfortable and... was that embarrassment I saw on his face?

His face was bright red, his brow furrowed. He didn't want to face the person behind him at all.

He walked up to my desk and planted his hands down.

"Yes, Mr. Ground Zero?" I asked, looking away from my documents.

"Listen carefully," he whispered. "Keep that bitch out of my office. But respond to what I'm sa--"

"Yes, sir, these files have been looked over already," I said with a dead expression, knowing what he was gonna ask from me.

"Thank you. And I told you that you didn't need to call me that," Mr. Ground Zero said as I handed him some folders from a drawer in my desk.

A few were actual villain files, based on those we've apprehended. Some were Quirk files that had caused damage to people or property, yet the user of said Quirk was unaware or unable to control themselves.

And then two of those are files I just created for occasions such as now.

Mr. Ground Zero really dislikes speaking to people, especially if they just come barging into their office like this person just did.

"Come on, Katsuki-kun!"

Mr. Ground Zero walked into his office and slammed the door, making the other person jump while I returned to my documents.

"What can I help you with?" I deadpanned, typing things up to fill out other documents.

"I'd like to speak with Ground Zero," their voice was strong and feminine.

A little familiar as well.

I actually looked up at the person to see Uravity in civilian clothing.

"May I ask what for, Ms. Uravity?" I asked, throwing my eyes back to my monitors, selecting a document on the one all the way to the right.

"Important hero business that is confidential," Ms. Uravity said with a sigh. "You wouldn't get it,"

I took a deep inhale and sighed, rolling my eyes.

"I apologize, ma'am, but if this is so confidential, may I ask why you stormed in here on Mr. Ground Zero's tail, almost shouting at him?" I asked, standing up. I also pressed a finger on the button to call Mr. Ground Zero's office and knocked the phone lightly off it's cradle.  "And I do believe I would understand what you are speaking about for a myriad of reasons. Now, Mr. Ground Zero has a meeting in two minutes on the bottom floor, so he's bound to leave his office anyway,"

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