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We had made it quite the way through the forest. It all seemed so calm and wondrous on the mountains. A few times we had to stop for my sister, who was still recovering from what she had seen.

After a while more of walking since our last break, Yona collapsed from exhaustion, Hak immediately rushing to her aid as I pulled out a water skin. While Hak asked Yona if she wanted to take a break, I gave her my water skin in hopes that she would drink it without the help of Hak or me. She simply held onto it, though, and Hak moved her to a tree, taking the skin from her hands and bringing it to her lips.

After Hak pulled the skin away, Yona rested her head, quickly nodding off. Hak and I sat on either side of Yona, making sure she was safe. As Hak stared out to the canopy of trees, I took out a sheet of paper and started writing my story.

What (Y/N) Writes

I was standing in the garden, watching as my childhood friend, Hak, took a bit of his apple. Suddenly, his adoptive guardian showed up, scolding Hak for not performing his duties as the next general of the Wind Clan. Of course, Hak just had to fight back, claiming that he was yet to be general, thus he didn't have to act like one. His guardian seemed angered yet understanding, but then Hak went and ruined his attitude by calling the King, my father, "his chubbiness."

I knew where that conversation was going to go, so I fled the scene as quick as possible. Soon enough, I found my sister Yona. She was currently running from Kan Tae-Jun, the second youngest son of the Fire Clan general. I quickly grabbed her hand and ran full-throttle to a secluded spot.

Upon reaching the spot, I noticed Hak was there, so I led Yona with me to talk to him. My sister called out to Hak, hurriedly ducking behind him as Kan Tae-Jun passed.

"Princess Yona? Did I scare you off? Where did you go?" The three of us listened in as Kan Tae-Jun called to my sister.

"Are you playing pranks on that poor guy? Because if you are, I don't want to get involved." Hak blandly told my sister as I gave her a pat on the back and walked off to find my father.

I could hear Yona faintly as she explained the situation, taking in every word as I looked around with the intent of telling father about Kan Tae-Jun's improper handling of my sister.

After a while of searching the halls, I found father talking with none other than the Fire Clan general, Kan Soo-Jin. "Father, general, I would like to report Kan Tae-Jun's improper attempts at getting Princess Yona." With that said, I explained everything I heard Yona say, leaving nothing out.

"I see... I'll make sure he ceases these actions immediately. Thank you for telling me of this, Princess (Y/N)." Kan Soo-Jin said, taking his leave soon after.

"Would you show me where you last saw it happening? I have a feeling something is going on there as we speak." Father replied, taking my hand as I led the way.

Sure enough, father's hunch was correct. Kan Tae-Jun could be seen grabbing Yona's wrists as she fought against him. Hak ended up stepping in and claiming he had made a vow of love with Yona as kids.

Kan Tae-Jun, as you could imagine, was not pleased by this and tried drawing his sword on Hak, but my father took that as his que and grabbed the bare blade before anything regretful could happen. After sending Kan Tae-Jun on his way, Yona and father walked back to where father and I had originally come from. I, on the other hand, stayed with Hak.

"So, you're now Yona's body guard who claims to have her love. How interesting..." I teased, turning away to walk towards the library.

That was the day Hak started living in the castle with my family. We grew closer than ever before and I asked him to teach me theories on how to use weapons since my father forbade me from using them.

The Orange Dragon (Yona of the Dawn x Reader) *On Hiatus*Where stories live. Discover now