- I will never leave you again - (part 1)

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kits POV

Kit didn't know when he started running towards Ty, but he did. His mind racing while he ran, what are you doing he thought, but he did not hesitate to stop, he couldn't bare to see Ty standing there on the beach looking so hurt, so sad. He stopped a few meters away from the other boy. 

- Ty he whispered, he could hear his own voice breaking as he spoke, while streams of tears started to fall from his eyes.

- Why are you here Kit, Ty said quietly while fidgeting with his fingers. 

But before Kit could think of a reply, Ty fell to his knees hitting the sand underneath him hard sobbing. Kit was aware half the wedding were watching them, including Tessa and Jem but Kit didn't give a care in the world, all he cared for was helping Ty, who was hugging his knees to his chest and rocking back and forth. Cautiously he approached Ty, not wanting to hurt him, he slowly sat down beside Ty. 

Ty- Kit started but was cut of by Ty who quietly said Hold me, Kit knew what to do, just like that day on the roof. He crawled over behind Ty and put his arms around Ty and hugged him as tight as possible. Kit did notice Jullian and Emma still watching them while the rest of the wedding went back to the party. Ty was quietly sobbing in Kits arms. After a couple of minutes like that, Ty turned his body around and looked at Kit so deeply, he thought Ty could burn holes his soul. Ty was practically sitting on Kits lap, not that either boy seemed to mind.  Kirs arms still wrapped around Ty and Ty sobbing into the crook of his neck.

- Kit im so sorry, i just wanted Livvy back so badly - Ty started, but Kit interrupted him saying, we will talk tomorrow right now, you need some sleep. Ty nodded and stood up, breaking the embrace, and giving his hand so Kit could get up, He gladly accepted it, and got up

They both walked hand in hand towards the institute, Kit was thinking about how lucky his was that he was one of the only person in the world that Ty trusted this much, his thoughts were interrupted by, Jullian and Emma standing in front of them, asking if they were ok, Ty answered saying that he needed to get sleep and to congratulate Magnus and Alec for them. 

They continued to walk towards the institute but were interrupted by Tessa and Jem, i guess that you won't be coming with us Jem said grinning.

- I'm sorry i can't Kit said looking at Ty who was looking away in the distance, the wind blowing his hair everywhere, he looked so beautiful kit thought. 

- We kind of expected it, Tessa added, But you will have to come visit the Baby

- I will i promise Kit replied before walking off with Ty. 

- I'm sorry you did not go with them Ty said stopping and looking at Kit directly in his eyes.  

- Tiberius, I want to stay here with you and be here with you and unless you don't want me here i'm gonna stay with you, Kit said tears starting to roll down his face and absently he took a piece of Tys hair that had fallen in his face and put it behind his ear. Ty barely seemed to care or notice.

Okay, but promise me one thing Christopher, you wont leave me ever again Ty said looking at Kit deeply. 

- I promise you i will try my best to stay with you and never leave you again, Kit said choosing his words carefully. 

Okay Ty said retaking Kits hand that he had dropped, Kit was a bit surprised at the touch, but did not take his hand away, he liked Tys hand in his, it fit perfect he thought as they walked to the inside of the institute, forgetting all their pains and problems for another day.        

Hold me - Kit x Ty, continuation to QoaadWhere stories live. Discover now