Omegle Chat #2

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Hey everyone, it's Angelina. (Victoria didn't feel like doing a part today so I'm doing it.) Sorry we hadn't updated in a while, we've been very busy lately, but hopefully we'll be able to update more frequently.

So, this morning me little sister of 17, Savannah, allowed me to get on Omegle on her laptop since our other computer wasn't working at that time. I was talking to this guy then I switched him to my sister. It's not that funny or interesting, but I just wanted to let you guys in on the coversation


Stranger: m or f

You: f, u?

Stranger: m

Stranger: how old are you??

You: 20

Stranger: oh I'm only 18

Stranger: where you from??

You: united states

You: i have an idea, how bout i put on my 17 year old sister?

Stranger: same here!! state??

You: south carolina

Stranger: haha sure

You: k hold on

Stranger: alright

You: HI!

Stranger: hey whats up??

You: nothin much, how bout u?

Stranger: nothing just chillin listening to music

Stranger: whats your name??

You: Savannah

Stranger: haha nice to meet you!! I'm andrew

You: hi andrew

You: :)

Stranger: so do you play any sports or anything??

You: im a cheerleader

Stranger: nice nice!! i used to play baseball but quit once i got to college

You: cool

Stranger: i regret quitting now though

You: oh, im sorry

Stranger: its ok :)

You: do u do any sports now?

Stranger: no but i do still work out so i actually can stay in shape

You: cool

Stranger: yep!! what type of music do you listen to??

You: country, rap

You: kind of a variety

Stranger: nice nice!! i used to listen to country. not so much anymore but i do listen to a lot of rap

You: awesome

Stranger: yep!! do you have Facebook or something so i can actually see who I'm talking to??

You: no, sorry

Stranger: do you have anything at all??

Stranger: haha

You: i used to have a twitter till i got hacked

Stranger: I've never had a twitter. i don't really get the point of it

You: i just did it so that i could keep up with my friends but now my parents r VERY over protective

Stranger: that sucks!!

You: yup

Stranger: I'm lucky my parents never really cared what i did

You: LUCKY! haha

You: so do u have a job?

Technical error: Server was unreachable for too long and your connection was lost. Sorry. :( Omegle understands if you hate it now, but Omegle still loves you.


Savannah got really angry, but she understood. I asked her if she wanted to try to talk to someone else, but said no.

Well, soon I'll put up an upload since this is sort of like Victoria's turn so soon I'll do another one.

If you see us on chat, please feel free to say hi!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2012 ⏰

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