Draco's pov:

"Okay. Well, what did you want to talk about?" Professor Lupin asked.

I could tell that Harry was struggling right now, so I decided I would talk first.

"Just, well... Everything." I said, knowing that it meant talking about how my parents treated me because I thought I was gay. I took a deep breath and thought about Harry's hand in mine.

"I mean, mainly my parents. It's just... I'm confused." I said, starting to fidget, it was a nervous habit. I'm guessing Harry picked up on that as he squeezed my hand. He knew just when I needed calming down.

"What are you confused about?" He asked, gently, and I was happy about that because I felt emotionally unstable right now.

"Well, I think... I'm gay, but I shouldn't be, I'm a freak." I said and I felt Harry's grip tighten.

"No your not. I used to think that because of my aunt and uncle, they would say gays are freaks who shouldn't be around. But they're wrong, you're wrong. You should be gay if you are. It doesn't matter, because those who care for you will stick by you, those who don't will leave. Don't ever say that about yourself." I heard Harry say from his position against my shoulder. I have a ghost of a smile and nodded slowly. Letting his words sink in.

"Thank you. it's nice to know I can share guy problems with someone." I said and we both chuckled. Professor Lupin even cracked a smile.

"And you said something about your parents. What did they think?" He asked as we got serious (Sirius) again.

"They're the ones who told me I was a f-freak. They s-said I'd be b-better off d-dead." I said shakily as I tried to not cry.

"It's better to just let it out. It doesn't matter if you cry. It doesn't mean your weak, just emotional. It's fine." Harry said into my shoulder and that broke the barrier and I started crying, letting out everything that I had kept hidden for years. Me and Harry swapped positions as my cries turned to sobs, I felt as Harry pulled me to his chest. I just cried into his chest as he whispered that I'd be all right and that he was there. I could hear his heart beating in his chest, it was actually quite soothing, that helped calm me down because I focused on the steady beating of it.

"Sor-" I went to apologise, but Harry had his hand over my mouth.

"You don't apologise for crying because there's nothing to be sorry about." He said as he moved his hand from my face. I stayed against him, almost clinging to him for dear life. It was like he was the only thing keeping me from losing everything in my head.

"Thank you." I said quietly, letting the quiet reply rumble through his chest.

"Your welcome." I said and looked to Professor Lupin, who had a slight smile.

"Draco, that was a brave thing to do. Admitting those things are very hard, Harry's right though, with everything he said." I looked up and saw him blushing. He looked so cute. Wait, shit, I'm falling for him. That might be why it was so easy to hold his hand without it feeling weird.

"I just use my experience to help others. I did a similar thing in my Muggle school." He said and gave a sad smile.

"You wanted to talk as well. Take your time, I can tell your already struggling with it." I said and locked eyes with him. We did that for a second before looking away, blushing slightly.

"Okay... I don't know where to start." He said quietly.

Harry's pov:

We locked eyes for a second, before I looked away blushing. His eyes were so pretty and intricate. Oh no, I'm falling for Draco Malfoy. This was going to surprise everyone, and by everyone, I mean the whole wizarding world.

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