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You're in the parking lot of a local liquor store, it was 11 at night, and there was nothing to do but stir trouble in your small town.
"Do you think this is going to work?" you're best friend, Claire, lifts up the fake i.d, examining it closely. To be honest, you didn't think it would, but it was worth a try.
"I don't know," you say, giggling, "just- shhh, come on."
Claire follows after you, approaching the store.

All the neon signs added a bit of comfort to the night, the sound of a bell chimed as you walk in

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All the neon signs added a bit of comfort to the night, the sound of a bell chimed as you walk in.
Surprised, you notice there was no one. Not even someone waiting at the cash register, waiting to greet you.
"This is eerie as fuck." You whisper, as if that was the appropriate thing to do.
"Yeah, isn't someone supposed to be watching the front?"
As soon as Claire blurts the question, a skinny, messy haired boy emerges from the back of the store.
He's sucking on a red lollipop, and his tired eyes look up at you.
"Welcome in."
All you can do is smile awkwardly, and suddenly the heat rises underneath your face.
Claire grabs your arm, almost out of instinct, dragging you into a different aisle.
"Oh my god, he's hot." Claire squeezes your wrist in excitement, you watch as she tries to get another peak.
"Don't be so obvious!" The blush from your cheeks has now taken over your entire body.

There was plenty of alcohol resting on the shelves; beers, wines, tequilas, whiskeys, champagne. Never in your life have you seen so much at once. Fingers traced against the bottles, tapping them to hear that glass sound.
"This looks good. New Amsterdam Peach." You hold up the bottle, reading the label. She nods her head in agreement.
Of course, you couldn't help but grab a few sweets. Claire grabs a packet of skittles. Your eyes wander toward the mysterious, attractive stranger once more. The beating in your chest is fast and hard. He's already observing you.

A tiny smirk appears on his face, as he slowly pulls the lollipop from his plush lips

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A tiny smirk appears on his face, as he slowly pulls the lollipop from his plush lips. The whole time, his eyes are locked. That was incredibly seductive. You swallowed hard and tried to focus on what kind of candy you want. It was impossible, his gaze could be sensed from a mile away. The chocolate seemed appetizing, maybe a Hershey's bar. You grab one from the shelf and ask Claire if she's ready to go. Yes, she says.


You set down all the items onto the counter, trying not to seem suspicious. He smiles.
"Is this all today, cutie?"
Cutie. This was unexpected, no one ever flirts so obviously anymore.
Words didn't, couldn't, come out. All you managed to do was nod your head.
"Can I see your I.D?" He rings up the items.
You casually pull out your fake I.D, hoping to seem like you have your life together. Yeah, we're 21. You thought. Claire shoots an "oh shit we're doing this" look.
You couldn't help but sneak in a few glances of his body. The guy wears a name tag on his shirt. Timothée.
He is closely looking at the card that holds all false information on it.
"Wow, I could never get mine to look so realistic."
Your heart feels as if it stops beating. Air is sucked out of your lungs, like a vacuum.
"What are you talking about?" Claire jumps in, saving you from the confrontation.
He's talking about the I.D cards. He knows they're fake.
"Do you expect me to believe this?"
He appeared as if he was trying hard not to laugh. In that moment, you weren't really sure what expression you should show.

After a few seconds he lets out a suppressed chuckle, handing your i.d back.
"You're all set cutie."
There's that word again. The redness on your face grows more harsh than ever.
"Uh, how much was it?" Stammering, you begin pulling out cash. He slides over the items in a bag.

"It's on me."

"Wow... thanks." Your eyes drift up at him. The way he was looking at you, was like he's never seen a woman so beautiful. You felt like maybe you shouldn't leave him there, in the dusty liquor store by himself. Claire breaks the tension, once again.
"Thank you so much! Have a good night." She begins walking out the door, and I follow after.


"Yeah, he definitely had the hots for you." Claire shakes her head and giggles.
"He was really attractive, wasn't he?" You reflected back to a few moments ago, she agrees.
The car beeps and you both hop in. Claire is usually the one that drives while you select what kind of music to vibe to.
The plastic bag crumpled as you search for the chocolate bar. Instead, a slip of paper sits on top of it. A bolt of nerves jolt into your stomach as you read the hand-written digits, followed by a few words:

"-from timmy,
to cutie."

Timothée Chalamet ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora