Chapter 1

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Hi I’m Lorelei Ella Flinders Vanderbilt the 3rd  and I am a secret Heiress and this is my story.

It had been about 5 years since I  had been back and if you ask me it definitely was not long enough but the grandparents told me I  could only go to boarding school in Europe if I  attended a college of their choice in other words I  am going to one of 3 schools Princeton , Yale or Harvard oh joy I am already missing my best friend and praying her parents allow her to attend college in America instead of Paris all of a sudden my phone vibrates pulling me out of my thoughts “ well well speak of the devil I was just thinking about you babe I just landed in the lovely land of the free and want to turn around and come back  I don’t think I can do this it is so much responsibility and I really don’t know how people are going to take it and you just know that the grandparents are going to try and set me up with a fine young man of good breeding I imitate in my grandma’s voice “  “oh mon Cheri it can’t be that bad but I do have some good news for you bebe  my mama and papa and have both said I can come to college in America but I have to keep my grades up .”  we are both squealing into the phone she is so loud I have to take the phone away from my ear for a moment when it seems safe I put it back to my ear and reply “ omg Odette I am so freaking happy you have no idea I really don’t think I would be able to do this without you now we just need Clem and we will be good oooh what about the boys have you heard from them at all Elias , Lachie or Alistair even Conrad the whole group back together would be amazing but I’m pretty certain Elias and Alistair were going to Oxford  and I am pretty sure that Conrad will be heading back to America soon family obligations and all I already miss school I can’t believe we start college in a few months and I don’t even know where I am going but I can guarantee I will know by the end of the night I really wish you were here for tomorrow night O I have to face the vultures alone but thankfully I’m not being announced until next week so I have a little time to get used to being back.”  “Ella Cheri mama wants to go shopping but I will call you tonight to make arrangements just think we will be back together soon and you are a strong beautiful young woman who can handle anything thrown at her you are my best friend my sister and I love you if you need me I am a phone call away au revour bebe talk soon kiss kiss.”   “ I love you to babe I will call as soon as I enter the gates of hell and find out where I will going for the next 3 years of my life go buy something pretty talk soon mwah.” 
I was so caught up in my conversation I didn’t realise the limo had pulled up and Grandma and Grandpa were hopping out and coming towards me “Ella look at you omg Charles look at her she is absolutely stunning I do hope you had a pleasant flight my dear.”
“ Hi Grandma , Grandpa yes my flight was great I mostly slept but also sat and watched a few movies and did a bit of shopping haha, you both look very well what are the plans for tonight?  Grandpa looked at me and winked “Well my darling girl I thought maybe we would just have a nice quiet night at home before you have to face the vulture’s aahem sorry I meant the wonderful party your grandmother has arranged for you.” He says chuckling at the heated look grandma threw his way.  “Really Charles you are both as bad as each other.”  I reach over and give them both a hug my grandpa the biggest hug really they are not as bad as I make them out to be Society yes but  grandma and grandpa are really the only family I have left since my parents died in a car crash not long after I turned 15 I do have another set of grandparents The Vanderbilt’s my Dad’s parents but for some reason or another they disowned my dad and by extension me well until recently that is about 6 months ago grandma called me and told me my father’s parents wanted me to contact them she left me the number and it took me 2 weeks and a lot of liquid courage with a lot of prodding from my friends I finally gave in and called my Grandmother and Grandfather have asked me to be the Vanderbilt Heiress and take over the law firm once I have finished school it took a lot of thought but I eventually accepted they flew out to  Paris and I met them and signed all the paperwork I will  officially be announced next week and I really cannot wait to see the reactions of several people haha they seemed very stiff and cold at first but we ended up going for dinner to Pierre’s my all time favourite restaurant in Paris and by the end of night they seemed a little warmer but we still have a long way to go I have kept in contact with them on the phone  they  will not be at the party tomorrow night because we don’t want people to make the connection to soon.

“Grandma I know you don’t like takeout but can we please get China Palace for dinner I am craving really good Chinese pretty please?”   Grandpa chuckles and says he wouldn’t mind Chinese as well hah its 2 against one but she surprises me and says she doesn’t mind huh Claire Flinders is softening in her old age. We get home and have dinner once finished I say my goodnights and head to bed tomorrow is going to be a big day and night.

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