Chapter 1

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(Pictures were not made by me unless told otherwise. They belong to their respective owners.)

Izuku's P.O.V.

Ever since I was a little kid, I had always enjoyed the look of blood. The way the red, thick liquid flows, the way it just sparkles in the sunlight of the afternoon... It always just seemed so beautiful to me, even if I had to do the work to get my satisfaction. I wouldn't kill a person, no, no, no. The most I could do was just kill an insect, or some kind of small animal like a lizard or unsuspecting bird. I had kept this a secret from anyone, even my own mom and Kacchan. Kacchan... well he's a mix of things. He's the explosive type, that's for sure. I'd always go into the woods when we would visit the park. I'd make sure I was alone, obviously. The reason being is that... just like most kids, I wanted to become a hero! I wanted to become an idol that brings peace to those who need it!

"I regret to inform you, Mrs. Midoriya, but your son has been confirmed as quirkless..."

That was my dream... until those words had come out of the doctor's mouth. Who was I kidding? People like me could never become a hero. We're just pawns in hero's plans for fame and riches. After that, I learned how fake everyone was. Smiles, love, heroes... even villians... it was all like some sort of movie where you are watching it, and the others around you are the actors being something they're not. I continued to live in this world of fakes for 11 more straining years. I branched away from everyone, even those who I had loved. School... well who said I went to school? I wasn't risking the possibility of getting hurt. That's right, I was a coward. I huge coward that only ran away instead of facing his problems. Me and Kacchan, no, me and Katsuki, drifted aswell, only giving quick glances at each other when Mrs. Bakugo came to visit and decided to bring him.

I guess my breaking point was the day that school finally let out for summer. U.A. was accepting students. I took the written portion of it, knowing there's no way I could get recommended. Katsuki had also done the same thing, however, he has no indication that I'm taking it as well... When I told him, well things didn't go as I had hoped...


He blasted me with his quirk. I could feel my skin burning as he kept going. He eventually stopped, hearing me scream in agony as my face now had a mark where his hand had been. His face was priceless... His hand clasped his mouth and his face was in distress. Turns out... his quirk looked villainous in his eyes. He got off of me... and ran away, like the coward he was. Some future hero, huh? My vision had blurred. I think I laid there, in that alleyway, for the remainder of the night. I woke up, my head hurting like hell. I pull out my phone to see the damage. Shit... He really got me, huh? If my 'hobby' wasn't villainous enough, this scar was a given. I guess you could call this my... breaking point... No longer did I have the need to spare anyone. I was going to kill any who bothered me... Starting... with myself...

There I was... the hole I dug. I was going to be gone forever. My hobby, the one thing that led to this being satisfactory, would no longer burden me. I turned around, facing the starry sky one last time. The day... June 17... a nice summer night. I looked down at my mother's grave, another one of my victims... I took a deep breath, knife next to my chest, and then darkness...

Everything was black. No light, no shapes, no color, no figures. I no longer felt like a person. I felt like nothing. There was no physical body of me anymore. Is this what death really is? I couldn't move... I couldn't talk... I couldn't see... Then, a flash of light presented itself. I began to suck into it, the light becoming more bright and eventually surrounding me.

Soon, I was right on top of my grave. Behind me, was the corpse of a green haired boy. I look down to see me, nothing has changed except the clothes on my body. I had died, yet I didn't go anywhere. Is this where everyone's true destination was? Was it to be stuck on this stupid world for eternity? No... There would be others here. Was I sent here for a reason? Is this where people like me ended up? Is this truly what happened to villains who passed? I stood up, and walked away. Walked away from the dead boy that was me. Something about it made me sick to my stomach.

It was weird, though... I feel no pain, in fact, I felt nothing at all as I took each step. It was as though I was walking on nothing. Perhaps... I'm not alive physically? Maybe I really am a ghost. If that's the case, then where does the fun begin?!

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