Chapter Six: An Awkward Jirou

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What, since when did I end up on the floor.

Jirou stood, backing up to retreat to the end of her bed.

"I- don't even know," Jirou said avoiding eye contact.

I could've sworn that was just a crazy dream. HOLD ON.

"OW!" Kaminari lurched back when Jirou jabbed him with an earphone cord. "WHAT WAS THAT FOR."

She then tried to jab herself as she flinched from the tiny pinch.

"Oh my gosh this is real," Jirou held her head confused.

"Crud, it's real late, I need to get ready," Kaminari rubbed out his bed head, checking the door handle to see if it was fixed and surprisingly it swung right open. Of course- the outside of the door had a few scorch marks but other than that, it worked fine.

Both of them felt a pit of dread form in their stomachs though.

If the door had been fixed while they were asleep it meant someone could've dropped by any time to see them.

"I should go," Kaminari said rushing out the door without a goodbye, leaving Jirou alone in her dorm.

So this was all REAL.

Jirou flopped face first onto her bed.

What I imagined last night WAS ALL REAL. Well if it were real it wasn't imagined.

The explosion part with Bakugo seemed so idiotic that it couldn't have been real, but vivid memories returned to gnaw at her brain.

She checked her clock. It read 12:53 AM. It was still nighttime. She forgot she was locked in her dorm as she stepped off her bed. Her blankets were on the floor and she shifted past them, tiredly reaching for the handle that wasn't there. She rubbed her head in a daze, finding a familiar blonde boy on the floor, and for some reason, she wanted to be with him. So that's exactly what she did. She gathered the blankets and furled herself right next to him, falling back asleep.

Well now that she knew it had ACTUALLY happened she wanted to die.

I ACTUALLY did that. It wasn't just a nice dream, IT WAS REAL AHHH.

Jirou jolted up from her bed when her phone went off.

'Jirou? You're usually down at the commons area right about now, are you okay?' Yaomomo had texted. It was 8:00 AM.


Jirou hurriedly slipped on her school uniform, grasping her coat in her hand instead of putting it on. Forgetting to brush her hair and gathering some of her things she'd need, she trudged toward the door. She left the blankets and pillow on the floor in a mess and stumbled out of her dorm.

"No, that's not the point," Ashido crossed her arms as she leaned on the kitchen countertop. "You gotta- oh! Look who came here late. Kyoka Jirou, have a nice night?"

"Jirou what kept you? I'd assumed you were ill but then-" Yaoyorozu started then halted herself as she clasped a hand over her mouth, as if remembering something.

"Don't tell me, I know," Jirou dumped her stuff on the countertop, making an aggravated grunt and folded her head in her arms.

"What'd ya do, what'd you say, cmon tell us!" Ashido pleaded.

"Ashido, it wasnt like that, nothing happened," Jirou turned around crossing her arms, although the thin layer of pink coating her face disagreed with that statement.

"Okay, so explain then," Hagakure brought her phone out, flashing a photo of her and Kaminari together in her face.

"YOU WENT IN MY DORM ROOM!" Jirou shrieked, making some of the guys sitting on the couch look over.

"Only to say hello, I found the custodian after he fixed your door handle and decided to check up on you," Hagakure said innocently.

"Isn't this an invasion of privacy," Jirou held a hand over her mouth bashfully looking away.

"I'll delete the photo then. If it makes you feel better, only we know about this," Hagakure brought her screen up to Jirou, deleting the photo in front of her. Jirou glanced up to see Asui, Yaoyorozu, and Hagakure all staring at her like they were hoping for an explanation. Ashido, however, held a different expression.

"So- about that," Ashido tapped her fingers together, wearing a VERY guilty smile.

"Ashido," Yaoyorozu looked over at her worried.

"So- I kind of spammed Kaminari," Ashido confessed as Jirou's face dropped.

"Delete it then!" Jirou came up to her and shook her by her shoulders.

"Yeah, yeah, I know I will," Ashido quickly turned on her phone, making an expression that looked more guilty than the last.

"What's wrong?" Asui tilted her head.

"So uh- deleting a message doesnt exactly work if he's already. . . seen. . .it. . .," Ashido slowly looked back up to find Jirou standing emotionless, like all of this was too much to bear so her body decided to just shut down and remove all the emotion she could feel left.

"Kyoka? Kyoka. . .?" Yaoyorozu lightly nudged her friends shoulder.

Right across the commons area, Kaminari was walking alongside Sero, heading out through the dormitory doors to walk to U.A. like they usually did. Kaminari was speechless and didnt know whether to feel incredibly happy or dreadfully sick.

"Then were gonna take the pop rock candy things and-" Sero looked down at Kaminari, who appeared to be in a daydream. "Hey, Kami? Are you listening? Hello~?" Sero waved a hand in front of his friends face before swiping his phone away.

"SERO!" Kaminari yelled as Sero used his height to his advantage, running off with his phone to keep it above Kaminaris range.

"Woah, Ashido's been blabbing something  to you, hasn't she?" Sero scrolled through all their messages before he got to the latest one from 6AM this morning. "WOAH, KAMINARI. MINETA WAS RIGHT."

"SERO!!!" Kaminari chased after him down the lawn toward the school. Ashido broke her gaze from through the dormitory windows, glancing back down at Jirou.

The word 'Seen' appeared at the bottom of the screen. No reply back.

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