As soon as they passed he stealthily headed towards the only door in this hallway. It was a big door, made out of strong wood, and with a strong lock on it.

Nothing he hadn't been trained to break into.

Renjun reached the door to the office and bent down to pick the lock. A loud click told the male that he had done the job. He opened the door and walked in, going straight for a computer that was sat on the large desk in the middle of the room.

"I'm in the office now. Computer spotted and in hand."

"Stay on high alert. Your time is running out." Jisung warned over the sound piece.

"We agreed on ten minutes. I can do it in five." Renjun responded as his gloved hands deftly turned on the computer.

Renjun took out a small device from the backpack he had carried with him this entire time. Hooking the device to the computer, he quickly initiated the sequence to discover the computer's password.

Noticing that he had unlocked the computer and was now faced with a standard desktop picture, Renjun pumped his fist up and down in a little "boo-yah" movement.

Opening a new tab, the male typed a sequence of code and clicked the word initiate. He waited patiently for the information to be formed into a folder that could be found on the desktop of the computer.

Once that was finished, he quickly pulled out a hard drive dick from out of his pant pocket as to attach it into the little slot in the side of the computer.

"Hyung, evil boss man is coming. He's riding up the elevator right now." was herd through a metallic crackle of an earpiece.

"Shit," Renjun worried his bottom lip between his teeth, "I'm almost done, it just needs to download now."

"Fucking hurry" was the reply.

Renjun typed quickly, commanding the computer to download the information onto the hard drive.

23% complete

"Come on, come on," he muttered as if it would hurry up the process of putting the computer files into his flash drive.

56% complete.

"They are walking down the hallway! Get out of there right now!."

"No can do. I have to finish this."

78% complete

It was no use, footsteps could be heard right outside the door. A key was entered into the door lock.

82% complete

The door opened right as Renjun managed to duck underneath the desk. The hard drive was still in the computer. There was no way he could get it out now and not get caught.

---- ---- ---- ----

On the floor below was a man, pacing back and forth. He was somewhere with no cameras. He was hidden.

He looked down at the device in his hand observing that Renjun had indeed not made it out of the office.

If he didn't make it out, the whole operation would be doomed, and his hyung would be killed.

Jisung paced faster, urgently looking around him hoping that his surroundings would give him the answer for what to do.


A pile of old newspapers. A crack in the wall surrounded by peeling newspapers.

A gasp of realization.

Jisung reached for the matches in his pocket. (Why he has them there? Arson)

Rushing quickly, knowing someone's life depended on him, he grabbed the newspapers from the ground, the matches from his pocket, and rammed his elbow into the hole in the wall to make it bigger.

Working against time, Jisung lit a roll of newspaper on fire before stuffing it into the crack in the wall, watching it with bated breath.

The flames from the newspaper soon lit the peeling wallpaper on fire, quickly spreading the fire to the entire wall. Since the fire was also inside the wall, it wouldn't be stopped anytime soon.

Turning on his heel, Jisung ran down the hallway in the opposite direction of the office.


---- ---- ---- ----

Back in the office, Renjun was hiding under the desk waiting to hear the footsteps of the man who had just entered the room.

One step.

Another step.

Fuck, he was gonna die

"Where did I put that goddamn notebook?" the man, Jeno's piece-of-shit father, was standing next to his bookshelf shifting the books around to find what he was looking for.

Not finding anything the man turned towards the desk.

One step.

Another step.

Before the man could take another step, the door to the office was flung open, the door violently hitting the wall.

"Sir, there is a fire in the building, and it's directly a floor below us. We need to evacuate you and your son to a safer location."

The man whipped around to look at the disheveled man who had barged into his office

"Well, fuck, Mark! None of you know how to take care of anything."

Bowing, Mark apologized, "We're very sorry, sir"

Letting out an exasperated sigh, the man grabbed his coat before walking out the door, "Very well, let's leave"

Only once the man had been gone for at least twenty seconds, could Renjun breathe a sigh of relief.

That was way too close for comfort.

Gone unnoticed by Renjun was a man standing outside the office door in the hallway staring into the room with a worried expression on his face.

The worried male only sighed a breath of relief and walked off once he noticed a gloved hand shoot out from underneath the table to grab the hard drive that was still in the computer.

"Good job, 哥哥 (Gēge)" the man whispered as he walked down the hallway into the big mess that was the chaos surrounding the fire.

Not Edited

April 20, 2020

Song Recommendation:

"Oh my God" by (G)I-DLE

Gēge is older brother in Chinese.

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