Chapter 3

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They knocked  the door.

It was the  Skyward Flight.And Rodge .Scud! How much  i had  missed them! Especially Kimmalyn.

It was quite visible that they had seen the kiss. Ned and Arturo were laughing from behind. While Sadie made small jumps of excitement, FM with Rodge furiously share  looks of excitement. Kimmalyn threw one of her typical ones: "Bless your stars!" While laughing together with the others. Jorgen and i   were tomatoes.

-This ... I umm ... us. ..- I said trying to explain, which did not go very well.

-Guys, don't try to hide it, we already saw you  -Kimmalyn said -Also, we'll talk tomorrow in the girls' room about it.

I just nodded as I looked down.

-So, Spensa, are you alright?- Asked FM.

-Well, if to be considered a fugitive and murderer in the eyes of the supremacy, yes, in that case I am fine.-I said in a sarcastic tone, waiting for M-bot to say something like: I recognize sarcasm, blah, blah ... But nothing, and then I remembered.

-M-bot!- I yelled.

-He's fine. He's in engineering right now, and Doomslug is in the girls' locker room, but why is M-bot a drone now?- Rodge said.

-Well ...- and I told them about my entire stay at Starsight, while they looked at me quite astonished.

-I think it's about time we let you rest -Kimmalyn said. They all nodded and then left the infirmary. Before leaving I grabbed Jorgen's hand.

-I love you - I said.

-Me more- he replied.

-Remember that I always won,- I said mischievously with a smile. He rolled his eyes, then smiled at me. -It's ok, you win. he said softly before leaving and kissing me on the forehead.

Before sleeping, I realized how important Detritus was, my family and my friends . I was not going to lose them. So if Winzik wanted to destroy them, he would have to pass over my corpse.

The next day Jorgen offered to accompany me to the girls' locker room . I didn't quite understand why, but I didn't protest. I wanted to spend time with him after everything that had happened.

-Ummm, I,-he said, scratching his head with one hand.

-Yes ...? - I said.

-I have something to tell you ... well, there are several things ... ahem ..- he was like a tomato(really flushed)- I ... well ...

-Spensa! - a voice shouted in the hall.

It was my mom. Next to her was Gran-Gran. Scud! How could I not think of her and Gran-Gran! How silly!

Mom  came running towards me and hugged me tight. Hi mom-I said softly. When she noticed Jorgen behind me she greeted him. They already knew each other. "Hello, Jorgen," said my mom.

-Hello Mrs. Nightshade,-said Jorgen, a little uncomfortable.

-Oh, honey, call me mom,-said my mom.

-Mom!- I complained, grabbed her arm and carried her to one end of the hall. -Mom, don't embarrass me!-I said.

-Oh, but come on, it's obvious that there is something between that boy and you! -she  smiled, and whispered to me -and I totally approve-winking at me.

I rolled my eyes, and we headed back to where Jorgen was talking to Gran-Gran. I was hoping it would be somewhat embarrassing about me. Jorgen looked strangely confident speaking to Gran-Gran.

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