Graduation day.. Anubis style

Start from the beginning

"Is this what being in Sibuna is really like?" Lina asked.

Everyone nods "Yep" I said as Eddie and I got up.

"Come on, we got a ceremony to get to" Mr. Sweet said and we left and went back to the school.

Mara got on stage and began her speech.

"They say graduation day is the most important day of your life, and now I understand why. It's an ending and beginning all at once. So to all those freshmen's and seniors next year, have fun while you can, hard works pays off" Mara ended her speech with this.

She couldn't be any more right. It is an ending and a new beginning for all of us. We have to say goodbye to all those fun times together and Sibuna times together.

After she said her speech they handed out diplomas.

I waved to my family when I went on stage to collect my diploma.

After everyone got their diplomas we threw our caps into the air.

Everyone in Anubis house gets together for a big group hug.

I run to James arms and we kiss.

"You were amazing up their getting your diploma" he said.

"No you were" I said and we pulled out of our kiss.

"I will see you tonight at prom, my queen" he said and we kissed again and he went to his family.

I walk over to mine and my mom pulls me into a hug.

"I'm so proud of you" she said.

"Thank you all for coming" I said and I hugged dad.

"We wouldn't miss it for the world" dad said.

I hug Morgan and Blake.

"I will see you guys tomorrow, you got a plane to catch" I said and my family leaves.

That night we all got ready from prom.

I got dressed Into this beautiful blue dress.

I got dressed Into this beautiful blue dress

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(Pretend she has blond hair)

Everyone arrives at the dance and they gym is really well decorated.

"Hey gorgeous" James said and he and I kissed.

"Hey handsome" I said and we pulled away from the kiss.

"Ready to dance?" he asked.

"Yes" I said and we danced to so many songs until they wanted me to sing a song. I got to the stage with a mic in my hand. A spotlight comes on me.

Nice background music turns on.

I know what I am going to be singing.

This is where the chapter ends and new one out begins time has come for letter go the hardest part is where you know

All of these years when we were here are ending but I'll always remember

We have had the time of our lives and now the page is turned the stories we will write

We have had the time of our lives and I will not forget the faces left behind

It's hard to walk away from the best of days but if it has to end, I'm glad you have been my friend in the time of our lives

I pause the song for the music to play a bit.

Where the water needs the land there is shifting in the sand like the tight that ebbs and floods memories will come and go

All of these years when we were here are ending but I'll always remember

We have had the time of our lives and now the page is turned the stories we will write

We have had the time of our lives and I will not forget the faces left behind

It's hard to walk away from the best of days but if it has to end, I'm glad you have been my friend in the time of our lives

We say goodbye, we hold on tight to these memories that never die

We say goodbye, we hold on tight to these memories that never die

I paused the song for the music to play a bit.

We have had the time of our lives and now the page is turned the stories we will write

We have had the time of our lives and I will not forget the faces left behind

It's hard to walk away from the best of days but if it has to end, I'm glad you have been my friend in the time of our lives

I'm glad you have been my friend in the time of our lives

The background music stops and so does me song. Everyone claps. I get off stage and all my friends hug me.

"That was beautiful" James said hugging me.

"It was wasn't it" I said and we went back to dancing.

"Guys, Victor is leaving Anubis house" Eddie said walking up to everyone who lives in Anubis House.

"Let's give him a proper send off" I said and I kiss James bye and we go to the house just in time.

Trudy and Mr. Sweet stand with us. Trudy was sobbing becuase she always had a crush of Victor.

When he came downstaurs he saw us and he put his head up high.

He took his pin that he always drops before bed.

He dropping it to the floor and we all start to clap.

"Goodbye" he said and he walks out the door with Mr. Sweet and Trudy.

"The hous stills stands so we did something right" Jerome jocked and we all laugh.

"We did good didn't we?" Fabian asked.

Everyone nods and yes 'yes' or 'yea'

"Guys, there is a party with our names on it" Jerome said.

"What are we waiting for" Kt said and she grabbed Mara's hand and ran off the the party.

We all return to the party and had the best last night together.

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