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One week later...
After about a week, your apartment started looking a lot better. It was pretty small but you still decided to add your own taste. You also figured out the closest grocery store, hospital, gas station, and quickest route to UA. You felt like if you were late on your first day of school, it would be bad first impressions. After what happened at your old school, you feel like they're gonna hate you either way.

The day was fast approaching, you felt so scared and anxious, was everyone gonna hate you? Were you just gonna be alone with no friends? What if everyone hated you? You kept having all of these thoughts, it didn't help anything. You were missing your family a lot, especially your brother, Gavin. You and Gavin have always been close, he was in college in America. After he got into College you guys stopped talking, it didn't really bother you until you moved to Japan. "I really want to see my family... I hope mom and Gavin are okay... what if there not thoug-" You get interrupted by a knock at your door, you open the door, it was Midoriya. "Hey Y/N! I thought I would come check on you!" You looked surprised that Midoriya was still talking to you, you thought you made him uncomfortable. "Oh... Midoriya! What a pleasant surprise... I thought you weren't gonna talk to me again." You giggle softly. "Of course I would talk to you! Moving to a foreign country by yourself can seem pretty scary!" He smiles. "You got a point..." you chuckle. "So... My friends, Iida and Uraraka just invited me to hang out, would you like to come along?" Your eyes winded, would they really want to hang out with me? "A- are you sure... I think I'll probably just get in your guys way..." You look down at the ground. "Of course not! Here go get ready, come outside when you're ready." Midoriya gestured. You did as he said, you shut the door and head to your room. Scrambling threw your dresser you find a pretty decent outfit, you quickly put of some different clothes and grabbed your phone.

You open your door and see Midoriya to your right, "Hey! You ready to go?" Midoriya asks. "Y- yeah... may I ask where are we going?" You stutter while locking your door. "Were going to a park, its really close don't worry." Midoriya starts walking down the stairs, you follow him. This seems pretty out of nowhere, you had a gut feeling like they were gonna hate you, guess you gotta find out. After a few moments of silence, you decided to start talking again. "S- so... are these friends from UA?" You look up to Midoriya. "Yeah! They have amazing quirks and great personalities!" Midoriya smiles. "Oh boy..." you mutter. You turn back and look at the ground, Midoriya looked at you with a sad, confused expression. "Are... you okay... Y/N?" Midoriya questioned. Your eyes start filling up with tears, blinking back trying to keep them from falling down your cheeks. "I'm fine... don't worry about me." Your voice starts breaking, Midoriya knew you weren't okay, but decided to let it go. You and Midoriya make it to the destination, "Iida! Uraraka! I would like you to meet someone." Midoriya waves his hand at them, they start walking over. You turn away from them and cover your face, wiping the tears. You turn back to seem them looking at you in confusion, "fuck... this is not what I wanted..." You think to yourself. "Y/N... Sorry guys give us a minute." Midoriya grabs your arm and walks you over to a tree, "Please, tell me whats going on." You look at him with a shocked face, "That was a bad first impression for them..." You mumble. "That won't change anything!" Midoriya smiled. You felt like you could trust him, "I... really miss my family... and I just... don't feel good enough for this school... I'm just going threw somethings right now..." You stutter. Midoriya surprisingly wraps his arms around you, "I'm so sorry Y/N... I promise, you'll meet good people that will care." You and Midoriya smile at each other and head back to Uraraka and Iida, "Hello there, I'm Tenya Iida" A tall, blue haired man says, moving his arm. "I'm Ochaco Uraraka! What's your name?" A shorter, brown haired girl said. "I'm Y/N... N/N for short..." You stutter. They smile at you, "I heard from Midoriya that you are a new student at UA!! Happy to have you in the class." Iida smiles.

While Midoriya, Uraraka, and Iida started talking, you feel a buzz in your pocket, it was your phone. You put your phone out of your pocket and see a text from your mom. "Hey sweetie... I miss you so much and I hope you aren't to confused. <3". Classic mom move, you smile at the text and reply with, "Nope, definitely figuring it out, actually made myself some new friends!" You put your phone away and engage with the conversation. You kind of got confused because they were talking about, your assuming other students. Hearing names like Kaminari and Todoroki got you a little confused, but you still had fun. From what you're seeing is that Uraraka is definitely bubbly and have a lot of energy, Iida is more strict and talks smart, Midoriya, he honestly just talks about hero's a lot.

After walking around the park and chatting, you and Midoriya start to head home. "Hey... you barely talked with us... Is that still bothering you?" Midoriya asks. "Sorta yeah... it's okay, I'll be fine!!" You smiled. Midoriya gave you one of those looks, like he knows something is wrong but doesn't wanna make you annoyed. It started to get dark, so you and Midoriya hurry up and get to the apartments. "I had fun Y/N!! See you on the first day!!" Midoriya said, walking in his moms apartment. "Bye Midoriya" You turned around and felt a crash in your body, you stumbled back. You look towards this person that crashed into you, it was a indigo haired boy, with elf looking ears and decent hight. "O- oh my god... I- I... am so sorry... a- are you okay!!" The boy stuttered. "Yeah! Are you okay?" You put your hand on his shoulder. His eyes winded, he seemed pretty anxious. "Y- yeah... I- I just didn't see where you were going and-" "Hey... It's okay! We're both not hurt, so that all that matters!" You cut him off. "Anyways... weird question... what's your name?" You ask him. "O- oh... I'm... Tamaki Amajiki... W- what's your name?" He asks you. "I'm Y/N! But you can call me N/N." You smile. "So... you live right next to my apartment... good to know." You unlocked your door. "Y- yeah... t- that probably means I'll see y- you around..." Tamaki stuttered. "You sure will, nice meeting you Amajiki!!" You both smiled and waved at each other, you went inside and shut your door. "He seemed nice... and a bit anxious... he's also kinda cute- WHAT AM I SAYING... YOU JUST MET HIM!!" You thought as you changed out of your clothes and got ready to sleep. Somehow that did feel pretty nice, like an instant connection. You text your mom the normal "Goodnight, I love you!" text even though your timezones are completely different. You unfolded all your sheets and laid down in bed, staring at the ceiling. You thought about Amajiki for a while, tossing and turning until you finally drifted into a peaceful sleep.

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⏰ Última atualização: Apr 26, 2020 ⏰

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