Me: maybe she went to another makeup store

Ally: no Mac is closed so ulta is the only one open

Avani: yeah

Mattia: lets go look for her

Me: "Mattia look she's be-" I say before Jude interrupts me by covering my mouth

Jude: "yeah let's go find her" he says uncovering my mouth

Mattia: lets all go together or idk

Me: yeah

Ally: imma just go back home

Avani: same I don't even wanna look for a bitch that doesn't even like me

Jude: I have to go to take care of sum

Alejandro: imma go too

Mattia: damn okay anyone else

Kairi: me too I don't wanna look for that bitch

Mattia: can y'all just stop talking about my girlfriend like that just for once okay?

Alejandro: can't you see she playing you

Kairi: it's so obvious

Me: "are you that stupid? Did you not see the v-" I say before Jude covers my mouth again

Me: "Jude I swear to god if you cover my mouth one more fucking time I will kick you in the balls and make sure you won't have kids" I say grabbing his chin and playfully shoving him

Jude: damn fine okay I'll stop

Me: imma help you find that rat but when I find her imma give her a piece of my mind!

Mattia: why

Me: you'll see

Me: Jabez you can go to the house with Grayson and stay in my room I'd you want imma send you the location

Jabez: okaay

Everyone else: okay well we're leaving

Mattia: damn okay bye 🙄

We spent like a good 15 min looking for Cynthia then we found her sucking face with the same guy as before

Mattia: "Wtf what why" he says with tears starting to fill his eyes

Me: "Mattia me and Jabez took a video of them kissing as proof that she was cheating and it's been going on for months " I say giving him a hug

Mattia: " I told her I loved her and I thought she did too" he says crying into my chest

Me: " I'm sorry Mattia"

Mattia: "imma go break up with her" he says going over to her

Me: okay

He goes over to her and she pulls away from the boy fast and she is shocked to see Mattia in front of her. I stood far so I don't interfere with anything but all you saw was mattias arm gestures and Cynthia slapping him across the face. She did not just do that!! That's it! I speed walked over to her and slapped her across the face shoved her and grabbed mattias hand and ran around the mall with him. Wtf did I just get myself into 🙄 ?

We run out of the mall and call a Uber since we had no ride bc everyone else went home

Me: u okay?

Mattia: no I'm not okay I just got cheated on

Me: "omg really? Damn now you know how I felt when you cheated on me with her. Feels bad doesn't it. It hurts especially when you really loved that person and you just see them kissing another person and they didn't even tell you and you had to over hear them fight with their best friend " I say starting to cry without even realizing

Me: do u even know how bad you hurt me Mattia? It fucking still does. But now this is you not me

Mattia: y/n I'm sorry and I never meant to hurt you!

Me: yeah well that's what they all say isn't it

Mattia: "look I'm sorry okay I wasn't thinking" he says starting to let tears out

Me: well obviously not

Me: how does it feel Mattia knowing that the person you loved has been cheating on you for months ?

Mattia: MONTHS ?? What?

Me: yeah we all knew about it. But you were just to blind to see it

Mattia: I-

Me: well sorry it happened To u. Happens to the best of us huh?!


I AM NOT OKAY !!! The dumbass ompaloompa looking save thingy didn't work so the last half of the story didn't save so I'mma just re write it tomorrow 😡

<Uhh Kairi keeps beating me too smh but what did I expect they are TikTok boys who memorize music 😂 buuuut I did beat Alejandro 10 times out of 25 which means we won 15 or sum idk I'm not smart 😂 buuuuut we don't talk bout that lmao >

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<Uhh Kairi keeps beating me too smh but what did I expect they are TikTok boys who memorize music 😂 buuuut I did beat Alejandro 10 times out of 25 which means we won 15 or sum idk I'm not smart 😂 buuuuut we don't talk bout that lmao >

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