Chapter 3

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If it was cold yesterday then today Miyagi was Antarctica. 

Tsukishima got up earlier than usual, groaning as his alarm let out its usual screaming chants. It was too hard to enjoy a shower with the knowledge that he'd probably die of hypothermia the second he stepped out-thought somehow he managed to do so and quickly executed the rest of his morning routine without anymore hardships.

Just before he left he threw his volleyball jacket on for extra warmth, hugging it around his tall frame. 

The second he was out the door the cold stung his skin, biting into him from every corner. The sensation felt the same as when you smashed a ball really hard with your hand during a spike and it left an aching red patch.

Instead of taking his normal route, he walked straight past the park and a few blocks down before reaching an average sized house. The home was rather well kept, with the paint still shining despite the fact it was decently aged. He leaned against the wall next to the door and waited, running a hand through his practically frozen hair.

After a few minutes, the door swung up and a tanned boy stepped out.

"Yes mum, I know. Yeah, whatever. I love you too. Ok. Bye!"

He slammed the door shut and spun around but jumped back in surprise when he saw the golden-eyed boy.

"Tsukki!" He yelped in surprise but was immediately overcome with joy "Why're you-" 

"Told you I wouldn't be meeting you at the park" He shrugged casually, making his way back towards the road with Yamaguchi trailing behind him.

 Yama grinned "How's your foot?"

Tsukki shrugged, "It's not that bad. You didn't tell anybody...right?"

"I told you I was there for you Tsukki."


They walked in silence for a little while before Tsukishima looked over at Yams and laughed.

"You're covered in goosebumps. Tell me you brought a jacket"

Yamaguchi rolled his eyes "Yes of course I did." 

He reached into his bag and felt around before let out a long groan, throwing his head back in annoyance. 


"You're such an idiot," Tsukishima teased, imitating Hinata's high tone.

"Says you Mr Four Eyes" Grinned Yama, making quotation marks with his pale hands and putting on his best Kageyama voice.

Smiling at his best friends gentle giggle, Tsukki shrugged his jacket off and handed it over to him "Here."

Yama froze as a soft blush appeared on his face  "No, you'll get cold-"

" T a d a s h i . "

Yamguchi unwillingly grabbed the jacket quickly throwing it over his shoulders just as the turned a corner.

Both of them nearly smashed into Suga and Tanaka who were facing the other way.

"I still can't believe you wouldn't help me practice yesterday Suga" Tanaka moaned, jabbing him playfully in the side.

"It's because I can't stand you."

Yama stepped forward to say hello but Tsukki cupped a hand over his mouth.

"Anyway, we have more important things to worry about," Said Sugawara, pulling Tanaka back because he had walked so far in front of him.


"Getting our first years into shape." 

"Ahh right. Hinata and Kageyama need to stop fighting...and that Tsukishima's a real piece of work don't ya think Suga? Can't control himself for the life of him." 

Tsukki went to lash out but Yama grabbed his arm and he realised that was because they hadn't said anything about the green haired boy yet.

"Yamaguchi's got potential and a lot of it. I could see him as team captain one day, but he has to work harder-" Tanaka nodded at Suga's remark but didn't hesitate to cut in.

"Yeah, but the salty crackhead needs to work harder as well. No real confidence in himself. He's got to get better if he wants to make up for his shitty attitude-AND HE'S GOTTA STOP TRYING TO MURDER PEOPLE IN HALLWAYS!"

Tsukki rolled his eyes and glanced at Yama who was looking up at him as well.

"Says you, Tanaka. You're the biggest crackpot we got except for Noya."

They let the other two continue their walk for a bit before they followed.

"They're right you know," Yama finally spat out "I don't work hard enough."

"So if they're right does that mean I'm a shitty, useless player with a bad attitude?" said Tsukki sourly "Didn't think you'd ever think that of me."

He went to keep walking but Yams grabbed his arm and pulled him back, grabbing a fistful of his shirt and pulling him forwards.

"You know I don't think that about you, you're wonderful Tsukki. I've known you longer than anyone and the one thing that gets in the way of everything is that you don't believe in yourself." He didn't stop there, in fact he continued speaking before his friend could even get a word in except this time his tone got louder with every word. 

"You don't think you're good enough and it pisses me off because you are, I have seen how much you try.  You're...You're so good and you need to accept that because I'm tired of constantly reminding you how amazing you are!"

"Tadashi-" Tsukki started but he was cut off. Yama's hot breath on his face was making his skin tingle, and the hairs on the back of his neck stand on was rather distracting to say the least.

"No, you listen to me." He continued "Who was the one that helped me with my spikes? Who was the one that always stood up to people for me because I'm such a loser that I can't do it myself? Who walked all the way out to my house just because-"

That was enough, he didn't deserve this "Yeah and who's snapped at you countless times? Who's looked down on you just because you're smaller? Who pinned you against a wall just because you annoyed-"

"That's different Tsukki-"


He didn't mean to yell. He didn't mean to. 

 Yamaguchi's eyes were watering, not to anyone surprise. He wasn't weak, not in the slightest but Tsukishima could quite easily affect the emotions that were inside him. 

The tall boy turned his back on the other "And you're not a loser Tadashi, don't say that," Unable to keep still any longer he began walking away.

"Hey!" Yama cried out "Tsukki, wait!"

He didn't turn around.

Tadashi let a few more tears spill out of his dark eyes before wiping them profusely. He turned towards school, trying to calm down will deep breaths. His mother would be worried sick if he went home, he didn't have any other choice but to keep going. 

Yama continued walking  to school, still wiping his eyes every few seconds till they were completely dry.

It was a long day.

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