Chapter 1

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"Alright class, we do have a chaperone with who will be staying in our camping trip this weekend. Make sure you know who's sitting where on the-"

I tuned the teacher out with my earphones. It wasn't my decision to go, my mom was away for the weekend so i had to either stay at home all weekend, not allowed to leave or i had to go on the trip. I chose the trip. Gets me out of the house, my mom says.

The bell rung to go home. The trip was tomorrow and i intended on smuggling as much soda and candy as i could in my case. As much candy and all of my music and electronics, even though they weren't allowed. The others lied and said they have to take them for certain reasons, but i couldn't be arsed to lie. I'd rather just sneak them.

"Dude who are you sitting with on the bus? I'm sitting with my girl." (f/n), said.

"I dunno yet. I'd rather sit on my own but its...whatever really."

"Ahhh, sissy, get yourself a girl."

"Not as easy as that. I have to head back home."

"See you tomorrow then."

I ran all the way back home. Before i returned home, i ran to the store and bought a shit load of candy and chips. When i finally got home, the smell of (f/f) poured out of the kitchen.

"Hi (y/n), how was your day love?"

"Mom stop calling me love. It was okay."

"Aw my emo little boy. I made your favourite (f/f)!"

"Okay. I'm kinda behind on work and i'm not gonna be here all weekend, i need to get started now."

"I'll bring it up to your room. Don't forget to pack your suitcase."

"I wont."

I stormed my way up to my room and slammed the door. I threw my backpack on the floor. I opened my suitcase, throwing all the chips, soda and candy into my suitcase, then my hoodies, my jeans and my band shirts.

I finished all my homework. I put it to the side and started to eat my food. I wasn't really hungry so i only ate half before i watched a movie and went to sleep.

Ray Toro x Male Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن