World Domination

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It was epically after the Masked Man battle.
Claus was dead.

Lucas was crying as he was tightly holding Claus' cold body.

His dad, Chuck Norris-
I mean Flint looked over to his son.

"Lucas, you have to pull the needle because yes."

The emotional blond got up to pull the needle, but Duster epically naruto ran to the needle before Lucas could get to it.


Everyone's eyes widened, even Boney's.
They would've never expected this EPIC anime plot twist.

Duster EPICALLY pulled down his eyelid, and stuck out his tongue before pulling the final needle.

When he did, everything turned white, and everyone disappeared expect him.

He turned his head left and right to see if anyone was there...
and someone was!

Rope Snake epically slithered to Duster.

"Lol, you pulled the needle, and you're stuck here forever."


Then, the epic Dark Dragon magically appeared along with a farting sound.

"You are a true epic gamer who pulled the needle. I will now grant you three EPIC wishes to reward your epicness."

"I want a never ending wedge of cheese!"

A wedge of cheese appeared in Duster's hand.
He bit into it, and the piece regenerated itself.

"Woah! Now I want a never ending glass of choccy milk because I'm epic!"

The choccy milk appeared in his unoccupied hand.
He drank some, and it regenerated itself, just like the cheese.

"I have all I could ever wish for! What else could I use my last wish on!?"

Rope Snake epically whispered something in his ear.


The Dark Dragon instantly reformed the world.
Everyone and everything turned to Duster because yes.

Rope Snake was the only one who wasn't a Duster in this new world.

The original Duster began to date Rope Snake, but everyone else became jealous because they didn't have a rope snake. 😿👊

"Lol, noobs, I am cooler than you! My girlfriend is hawt snake!"

Duster and Rope Snake epically made out, while the other Dusters booed and threw tomato soup at them.

The End

World Domination (An Epic Duster x Rope Snake Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora