Welcome to Charming

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When I arrived to the clubhouse a party was going in full swing causing me to smirk to myself. At least getting in would be easy. I made my way through the crowd and inside to clubhouse. Scanning the room not much had changed. The boys were all still here, part of me realized it was good to be home. The other part of me realized it wasn't going to be good for long. I quickly picked my father out of the crowd, a beer in one hand, joint in the other, and a Cro Eater on his lap. What a surprise.

"Need a drink?" Asked an unfamiliar voice causing me to jump a little.

"Oh yeah, beers fine," I said and the Prospect just grinned at me from behind the bar I'd been leaning against.

"You knew around here? I haven't seen you before," he said as he handed me the beer.

"I've been gone for awhile, but this is where I'm from," I sighed smiling back at him. He was cute in a stray dog kind of way. Scruffy and sweet, but a little too friendly for his own good. 

"I'm Half-Sac," he introduced himself with a big grin, daring me to ask about the name.

"Nik," I answered back introducing myself with the same big grin he gave me.

He was quickly called away but all of the people shouting for a prospect to do who knows what for them. I looked back over at my father and sighed before quickly downing my beer. Here goes nothing.

"Hey, dad," I said over the music causing everyone around me to freeze and stare at me.

"Nikki?" My dad gasped as he looked up at me.

"Yeah, it's uh just Nik now, I just stopped by to let you know that I'm going to be in town for a little while." I said as he pulled me into a hug.

"Are you okay? Where have you been?" He asked suddenly more fatherly than he'd ever been before.

"Yeah, I'm good. We can catch up later. Enjoy your party, I've got some errands to run. I just wanted to be the one to tell you that I'm back." I said with a soft smile, I pressed a quick kiss to his cheek before quickly making my way out of the compound before anyone could stop me. I got in my truck and headed to the motel I was staying in just outside of town.

The next morning I got up with a sigh and prepared myself for the shit show that the day was about to be. I made my way back to Teller-Morrow, parking a couple blocks away. I wasn't ready for them to know too much yet. I walked up to the compound and sighed as I saw Gemma step out of the office and motion for me to come in before she disappeared back inside. Word still travels fast around here.

"Aunty Gem," I grinned at her as she pulled me into a hug. "You got hot, Nikki," she smirked, eyeing me up and down. "Thanks but I think you're the one lookin hot," I laughed as she sat down offering me a cigarette.

"Ten years is an awful long time," Gemma said with a raised eyebrow. "Come on, Gem, you know I'm not here to cause trouble. I was sixteen when I ran away I was stupid and scared, I didn't think anyone would want me to come back." I sighed at her.

"Hey, kid, let's go inside and grab some coffee," my dad said as he stood in the office doorway. He looked older, his hair was long and more gray than black, along with his beard. His face seemed softer, he even sounded old.

"Yeah," I smiled at him before turning back to Gemma, "mind if we catch up later too, Gem?" I asked and she nodded and gave me one last quick hug.

I followed my dad into the club house, he gestured for me to have a seat at the bar as he went around grabbed two coffee mugs.

"Uh, how do you like your coffee?" He asked awkwardly.

"Black. Blacks good, thanks." I said quickly, suddenly becoming incredibly nervous. He just nodded and poured up two cups and sat next to me.

"Should I have not come back?" I blurted out, filling the silence with more awkwardness.

"No, no, Nikki, of course I'm glad you're back. It's just been so long and you look so grown up now. I just don't know what to say." He sighed at me.

"I've got a job offer at St. Thomas, it's really growing as a hospital. They've got some incredible surgeons. It's really kind of insane that such an advanced hospital is in a small town." I rambled nervously as I looked around the club.

"Are you a doctor?" He asked, eyes wide as he stared at me.

"Yeah, a surgeon," I replied with a proud smile.

"That's incredible, Nikki, really I'm so proud of you," he grinned back at me.

"How've you been? Are you doing okay?" I asked as he lit a cigarette.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm good. Clubs good. I'm just glad you're back and you're doing good." He answered still smiling at me. "Where are you staying?" He asked with a protective tone entering his voice.

"Little motel just outside of town, I'm still looking for a more permanent place." I said quietly, hoping he wouldn't offer his own home.

"Go get your stuff, darlin'. Family doesn't stay in motels." Gemma interjected from the doorway.

"What do you mean, Gem?" I asked swallowing the lump in my throat.

"Prospects and I will get a room ready for you here, go get your stuff." She ordered and I nodded with a sigh.

"Need help, kiddo?" My dad asked as I stood up.

"No, I got it. Thanks though." I answered with a smile before making my way to the door.

"Think she'll stay this time, Bobby?" I heard Gemma ask as the door closed behind me.

As I made my way back to my car and then to the motel I was filled with a deep sense of dread. Was coming back really a good idea? Maybe just getting involved with the club again is the bad idea. They're family but they're messy.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2020 ⏰

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