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*Spencer's POV*

"Okay," Garcia's voice rang through my ears as she entered the board room. Files were spread around the room to JJ, Morgan, Rossi, Hotch and I, "Two bodies found," Garcia said flashing the images on the screen, "Mia Harris and Malcom Tate, both thirty-two years old."

It always felt uncomfortable dealing with cases with victims in the same age bracket as myself; I still consider myself young. "Mia taken a week ago, body found four days ago and Malcom, taken literally the day Mia's body was found." Garcia continued, "And Malcom's body was found last night."

"So, he's taking his time with his victims but moving quickly on." JJ said flicking through her case file as did the rest of us.

"They can't be random kidnappings if they're so close together, this guy must know who is next." Morgan said lifting his head up to look around at everyone.

"If Malcom's body was found last night, there is a very high chance that the next victim as already been taken." I sighed looking up at Garcia who flashed more images on the board.

"Yes," She sighed putting up a picture of another woman, "Victoria Savage reported missing by her husband not too long ago when she didn't return from her night shift this morning."

"This guy must have their daily plans mapped out if he knew Victoria was working the night shift," JJ said, "You think he's following them?"

"More than likely, and if he keeps continuing at this rate, he's already watching our next victim." Hotch sighed. "Morgan and Rossi, you check out the bodies, see is he using specific torture on the victims, JJ and Reid, you come with me to talk to the victim's famil - "

"Actually," I butted in looking down at the case file. I looked up to everyone with confused looks on their faces, "Sorry, but I think I know someone who could help with this case."

"Help? Reid, what are you on about?" Morgan asked from beside me, looking at me as if I had four heads.

"I know someone," I said eerily, "She lives around here and she actually went to high school with both of the victims."

"Reid," Hotch sighed, "You know we can't let 'just anyone' to be apart of a case, especially as serious as this."

"I know," I sighed, "But I think she'll be a massive help, she's from the area, she knew the victims and she's actually a really good profiler."

"Profiler?" JJ asked in as much confusion as Morgan, "Reid, how do you know this girl?"

"Oh," I said unsure on what to say next, "I went to college with her."

"Then," Hotch said re-thinking the organisation of how the team would split, "Right."

"To be honest Hotch," JJ spoke up, "If this girl was going to help us, don't you think we should all go see what she's like?"

"Plus she lives around the corner from Mia Harris' home, where she was abducted." I added, "We can head around there straight after."

"That's not such a bad idea." Rossi spoke up before Hotch agreed with JJ and Rossi's input to the idea of letting Samantha help out.

It didn't take much convincing for the team to go meet Samantha. Morgan, Rossi and I got into the first car, Morgan driving where I told him to. We eventually pulled up to the familiar house I was at just this weekend - but I wasn't going to tell the team of course. How would they react when they find out I have an eleven year old son and an eight year old daughter that I kept hidden all these years - I'm guessing not well.

Hotch decided for me to go first, which I was a bit hesitant about since I wasn't alone which I usually am. The team followed behind me and I could hear faint drumming from inside - Jamie, using the drum kit my Mom had bought him for his birthday earlier this year. I rang the door bell and the drumming came to a stop. The door swung open to reveal Samantha, glitter spread on her clothes and a confused look on her face, "Spencer?" She asked in confusion, "What's up?"

"Can we just talk to you for a minute?" I asked subtly.

"With these guys?" She asked referring to the team behind me.

"Uh, yeah." I said, forcing a smile.

Samantha stepped to the side to let us in, the team giving her small smiles while walking past her, "The living room is fine," She says as the five of us pack into the living room, Samantha following behind Rossi and addressing us, "Am I in some sort of trouble?" She asks looking around at the team.

"No, no." Hotch says standing up, bringing Samantha's attention to him, "Hi, I'm Agent Aaron Hotchner, this is Agent David Rossi, Agent Jennifer Jareau, Agent Derek Morgan and I'm guessing you already know Dr. Spencer Reid."

"Samantha Doyle." She said shaking Hotch's hand, "What is going on?"

"I really need your help." I said standing up and turning to her.

"My help?" She asked confused placing a hand on her chest, "What would you need my help for? I've already given my witness statement to the police about Mia Harris, if that's what you're here over."

"You saw what happened?" JJ asked, who sat in the armchair I usually sit in while reading Hannah stories or telling her about some of the things I do in my job - not the gory parts of course; Daddy saves people and get's rid of the bad guys.

"Not exactly," Samantha says, "I heard screaming from around that part of the estate and by the time I got around to the house, she was gone. The window was smashed in and the front door was left open, which then I knew something serious had happened." She sighed.

"I saw you went to high school with both Mia and Malcom," I said easing my way into the conversation.

"Yeah, I had Chemistry and Math with Mia and was in the Drama Club with Malcom," She sighed, "Have - Have you guys any leads?"

"That's why we're here." Hotch said, "Spencer thinks you can help us."

"Help you?" She scoffed, "How could I possibly help the FBI catch a serial killer?"

"Well," I said gently, "You were going for the job I have now in the BAU, and you are a pretty good profiler."

"Spence," She says, turning to me as if she forget about everyone in the room, "That was 11 years ago, I work part-time in the local diner, what makes you think I still have those skills?"

"I'm confident you can profile every agent in this room." I said, holding back a smirk.

Samantha gives me a look - I knew then she wanted to bite my head off. "Well, if you change your mind, just give me a call." Hotch said handing Samantha a card with his number on it, "We better be going, JJ, Reid and I will go to Malcom Tate's family home and find out any more information. Morgan and Rossi, as we discussed earlier." Morgan and Rossi gave Hotch a nod before shaking Samantha's hand one last time before leaving.

"We'll be in the car." JJ said to me as her and Hotch left the room and out the front door.

"You honestly think I can help you catch this guy?" Samantha asks looking between the card in her hand and I.

"You knew the victims, any information will help." I said, "If you change your mind, just come to the office -"

"Daddy!" I heard a squeal from the kitchen and running footsteps, "Daddy!" I heard again and a little brunette haired girl came into view holding out her arms.

"Hi!" I smiled picking Hannah up and putting her on my hip - even though she was getting too big for it now, I just couldn't resist, "Wow, someone has been doing arts and crafts." I smiled looking down at her hands which had glitter stuck between her fingers and glue still stuck to her hands, "That explains the glitter on -"

"Yeah," Samantha exhaled, "We're just going to start baking cookies now and Jamie is practising his drum skills." There was a small pause before Samantha called for Jamie to come downstairs.

Hannah rested in my arms looking to me, "We will make extra cookies for you."

"I really appreciate it." I returned the smile to her. She rested her head on my shoulder, "I'm sorry princess but Daddy has to go back to work now." I said putting Hannah back down.

"Are you getting more bad guys?" She asked looking up at me.

"Yeah, hopefully." I smiled glancing up at Samantha who shifted uneasily where she stood.

Footsteps where heard coming through the house, "Oh," I heard a voice come into the living room, "Hey dad." Jamie said coming over to me and hugging me.

"Hey buddy." I smiled wrapping him in my arms and squeezing slightly before letting him go, "How are you doing? I heard your drumming."

"Yeah," He said going red slightly, "I'm working on it. Aren't you suppose to be in work?"

"Yeah," I exhaled glancing out of the living room window to the car where JJ and Hotch sat, waiting for me. "I really do have to go, but, if I get time over the next few days while I'm working, I'll come in to see you guys."

"Okay!" Hannah squealed from beside me, hugging me before I left.

"I'll walk you out." Samantha said following me as I made my way to the front door.

As I walked out of the front door and onto the porch, I turned around to Samantha, "Just please, any information." I said.

"I'll think about it Spence," She sighed, "It's just a lot to take in, I mean, I was pretty close to both Mia and Malcom, it's just terrible."

"What if I told you that Victoria Savage was reported missing this morning." I said to her as she glanced in between Hotch and JJ in the car and me.

"Victoria Savage?" She sighed, "I had History and Math with her in school." At this point, I could see how shaken up Samantha was about the whole thing and asking for her help on this, was probably not the best idea. I noticed one or two tears escape but where quickly wiped away. Samantha then made eye contact with me, while shaking her head, "Fine," She exhaled, "I just can't see another friend get hurt."

"Okay," She sighed, "I'll see you later." Samantha put her arms around me, kissed me on the cheek and squeezed me tightly, "I just don't want to see another classmate end up dead."

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