Time Waits For No One - 6

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this great idea he had. Snapping out of the recent flashback Michael

sighed as he listened to the latest version of We Are The World, the

greatest project he had ever worked on, writing a song with his great

musical friend Lionel to nab the attention of those who seemed not to

care about others. The profit from the project just as Michael said

would, went to the country he wanted to help…Africa and the group of

celebrated headliners called themselves “USA FOR AFRICA.” Michael was

so proud of his project and was even more proud to have seen the

success Quincy had given the song once again when he invited the

younger generation of music along with some of the original’s in the

song to come together for Haiti. Although the group was not known as

USA FOR HAITI it was still a great success and the profit went towards

Haiti and the great catastrophe they were enduring. After listening to

the song on his apple Ipod, he went onto his computer. “I miss her” he

said to himself as he signed into MSN. “More importantly I have to

tell her who I am, its killing me inside but I’m not ready…not just

yet” he commented while signing in. He noticed she hadn’t been

online for several days. “I upset her” he confided in himself,

suddenly she appeared, her online icon lit up green, trying to hide

his excitement he got up and left the computer to play it cool, to act

as if he didn’t care, he walked downstairs to his kitchen for a moment

taking a few deep breathes, he was so nervous. He nodded with a

delighted smile he returned to his chamber. Once more sitting at the

computer he began to type something when his iphone rang. “Doggone it”

Michael illustrated, walking across the room he picked up the phone

and noticed it was his sister Janet, he answered quickly. “Hello?” he

smiled into the phone and giggled softly. “Michael Michael Michael!

How are you Peter?! It’s been about a month since I’ve heard from the

universe’s greatest big brother, are you doing well? are you eating?”

Janet asked of her brother, slightly distracted Michael stared back at

the computer screen, his answers cold and short. “I am fine Donk, I am

eating thanks, I am a little busy…” he said suddenly. Not wanting to

directly ignore his baby sister. “Oh are ya? I just wanted to check on

ya big brother, oh by the way I saw Nikole today” she countered. “You

what?” he retaliated, his focus coming right back to the phone call.

“I saw Nikole today, while she was out running I took Kenya for a walk

and that’s when I saw her” She recanted, silently waiting for his

response. “How does she look? Did she talk to you? Is she dating? Well

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