chapter 13

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Safe? Or not?


The world felt like it was spinning. I was crying so much. I had ARIANA and Diana by my side. and Noah and Alex and Ashley n Xavier.

Their parents were talking to the doctors. And it felt.... Like something is being ripped away from me...

I was outside her room. I would not go anywhere. I wouldn't sleep or eat. Maybe a drink. Coffees. I just wanted to be with her.

Xavi was also with me. We wouldn't talk. Just be there like a rock for each other. We were the closest to her and we couldn't bear to think of loosing her ....

I just hope she wakes up!

"Austin! Austin!! AUSTIN!" Diwana called out

"Huh! What?" I asked confused

"We can see her. She isnt awake yet tho... But" ARIANA strated but I didn't let her finished.

I ran into her room and NAD saw her.... She was hooked up to IVs and on a ventilator.... I am worried they'll switch off the machine because they think she won't make it....

I won't let that happen!!! I need to be with her!!!!!!!!!!!




"Austin. There is a possibility she will wake up. But we will have to wait for a while" Xavier said

I just nodded and held her hand. Tears still flowing down my face. I miss her already.!!

I hope she will be okay! I really do... I don't know what I would do if she.... You know.... Dies...

"Hannah Garcia?" A nurse said walking up to us

"We are here" we all said standing up.

"She is in a coma.... We don't know when or if she will wake up again.... Right now she is on the ventilator and you can see her in half an hour." Patricia said

That's when I broke down...... No... I literally fell to the floor and started crying.

"Hey... Austin... Wake up" I heard someone say shaking me

"*I groan* what?" I said trying to move.

Damn wrong move. That hurt!

"Oww" I yelled

"Try not to move.. when you fell your back hit the seats and you busted your spine a bit. But you will be fine... Since I'm.  Nurse I tried and you are in the same room as Hannah..." Patricia said

"Thanks Patty" I said

I look around and see Hannah.... She looks so fragile... And beautiful even when she's sick...

I just hope she will wake up soon.

"Hannah... I love you bbg! Please wake up!" I said nad i started whimpering..

I really hope I can see her.....

Always And Forever - My Love For A CFer(Completed)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang