Chapter 6 ❀ Dates and Headlines

Start from the beginning

"A single burger won't do me any harm! Besides where would you even know that from?" You blurted out embarrassed, referring mostly to the CEO's last part as your face slowly assumed the color of tomatoes. Soon enough, Téa returned with your meals, telling you to enjoy them as a good waitress would do.

"Where the hell are the knife and fork?" Kaiba seemed to be genuinely surprised as soon as he realized that he had been served food without cutlery. You snorted, not being able to hold your laughter in any longer. "Seriously?" Kaiba wore quite the unreadable expression since he was slightly embarrassed of being chortled at by you so suddenly. Of course, he made sure not to let it show on his face.

Once you recovered from your almost painful laughter, you glanced over at the brunet and observed the way he was confusedly looking at the burger in front of him. You blushed at the mere thought of something, but then you reminded yourself that Kaiba himself had said that this was a date. And so, you gathered all your courage and stood up, displacing yourself next to Kaiba. "And what exactly do you think you're doing?"

"S-Shut up... You're the one who said this was a date in the first place." You pouted, muttering those words under your breath because you were too embarrassed to say them any louder. You grabbed Kaiba's Burger and neared it to his face, practically wanting to feed it to him like a girlfriend would to her lover. "D-Don't stare at it so much, just open your mouth already..."

Kaiba was surprised by your boldness, which actually even showed on his face for a change, but this scenario seemed to be the perfect opportunity. And so, he did open his mouth, but instead of taking a bite of the Burger with it, he decided to attack you instead. By attack you meant nothing less than an actual kiss.

Your eyes flew wide as soon as you felt Kaiba's lips brush against your own. Was the Seto Kaiba really kissing you? This couldn't be a dream, right? And even if it was, you certainly didn't want to wake up from it. Your face flushed bright red as you slowly put the burger down to its prior place, bringing one of your now free hands to the brunet's cheek, cupping it almost right away.

You slowly closed your eyes and made an effort to kiss the CEO back, but before too long, the kiss had already been broken by Kaiba who had pulled his head away. Cheeks still burning red, you slowly opened your eyes to meet Kaiba's blue gaze. You still couldn't properly process what had just happened.

"Don't think too much of it." Kaiba blurted out, breaking the silence as he brought his one hand to his lips, covering his face before turning away in order to look the other way or in other words, anywhere that wasn't your eyes. Was he being shy? Or even embarrassed? You couldn't help but smile at yourself, still blushing a little when those thoughts took over your mind.

* * *

It was currently the next morning and you were driving the two Kaiba siblings to work as usual. You had spent the night over at their mansion as well, and had almost fainted when Seto accompanied you inside his house with his arm around your body. All of those memories and stirred up emotions kept you awake almost all night long, but for some reason, you didn't feel tired in the slightest despite your lack of sleep.

"We're here!~" You hummed after parking the car, soon getting out of it and opening the door for Mokuba. The boy had noticed that something was up with you and had also called you out on your strangely positive attitude this early in the morning. You were a bit embarrassed that it was showing so much, but it wasn't exactly like you could tell Mokuba why you were behaving this way.

But before the three of you could properly make it into the KaibaCorp building, you were approached by a woman. It was the same one whom you had talked with over the phone as well as in person the other evening, the one who wanted to marry Seto. You were going to ignore her, but—

"How dare you! You disgraceful tramp!" The woman basically shrieked and as if her yelling and being dramatic wasn't enough, she even went as far as to slap you in the face. Your eyes went wide as soon as you felt the impact against your cheek, and soon enough you were glaring at the woman. "What the hell is your fu—"

Before you managed to use even fouler language around both your boss and his pure younger brother, Kaiba stepped in by grabbing the woman's wrist harshly, once again shushing her with a very intimidating look. "If you touch her again, I promise you, you won't only regret it."

"Over there! It's Mister Kaiba!" Other voices belonging to men caught your attention. You were expecting it to be the bodyguards or employees, but those were reporters. Before another scene could be caused, Kaiba wrapped an arm around you and one around Mokuba, dragging you both into the corporation building.

"[Name], are you okay? Your cheek is red!" Mokuba asked worriedly as soon as you were on the interior of the building, shielded from both the woman and the reporters. You kneed down a little and ruffled the boy's raven hair, grinning at him reassuringly. "I'm totally fine, don't worry."

"What the hell did that crazy woman want?! The hell was her deal?!" You snapped as soon as Mokuba left you and Kaiba alone. The CEO had a rough idea of what this was about, but he couldn't just come forward with it and tell you. "You ask me."

What was quite strange was the fact that you seemed to be getting a lot of mean looks from the other workers today, you couldn't tell why though. But once you stepped into the main office and Roland brought you certain news, everything became quite clear. "S-Sir... This was in today's newspaper. How should we handle the media?"

"Ignore them, I suppose." Kaiba said, not even giving the paper Roland held a glance before he headed to his desk. You on the other hand were quite curious about what was causing all this ruckus, and so took the newspaper and checked it out. Which you almost immediately regretted. W-What the—?"

The front page was titled "CEO's secret lover! Is Seto Kaiba finally getting married?!" and it showed two pictures and lots of text. You didn't even bother reading it, what was already shocking enough were the two photos. One of them showed Kaiba and you entering his mansion, him having an arm wrapped around you. The other one was taken when Kaiba had kissed you at Burgerpalooza yesterday.

It did seem rather strange and out of character of Seto to invite you on a 'date', even go as far kissing you. But now it was all clear. Kaiba indeed wasn't one to do irrational things out of the blue, much less things that wouldn't be convenient for either him, his younger brother or his company. He knew all along that the two of you were being watched by reporters. You wouldn't be too surprised if it was him who set it all up.

"Kaiba! What the hell is the meaning of this?!"


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