When your family meets him| J.B

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• Your parents wanted to meet your boyfriend of almost two years

• You had a two year age difference and they wanted to see what was up

•You freaked out and denied them multiple times

• They eventually got to you and said to bring him to the house one Friday when he was free

• Joshua was very excited to finally meet your family

• This was because you already met his family within the first 5 months of your relationship

• He dressed nicely and was panicking the whole hour before he drove to your house

• Meanwhile, you were almost about to lose your head

• What you thought was a simple dinner with your mom and dad turned out VERY different

• It was now a late family wide barbecue

• I'm talking grandparents, cousins, aunt and uncles and even family friends

• You tried to cancel them meeting Joshua

•But they acted innocent and told you that they had no idea the family was going to show up

• So you had no other choice, but to suck it up and pray

• When the doorbell rung, you ran toward the door

• I'm saying full olympic track running

• You could've won a metal and it would have been gold

• You opened it and a nervous Joshua was standing there

• He was so cute when he was flustered

• You stepped outside

• " I have to warn you about what you are going to face." You told him.

• He tried to hold everything together when you told him that your whole family was there

• " It'll be fine Y/n." He kissed you forehead to reassure you

• That's when you entered the house

• Your mother and grandmother met him first

• They adored him to say the least

• He was handsome and dressed appropriately

• They hugged him and complimented him

• They found it adorable when he blushed and stuttered when he introduced himself

• That's when your father and uncles walked into the living room

• Over protective mode activated

• " How long have you been dating my daughter?"

• " Dad!"

• Your uncles were rather chill with him

• They asked him questions like:

• " Do you play any sports?"

• You lead Joshua outside with everyone behind you

• The next hour was full of introductions and you nervously chuckling at their questions

• Joshua has a big family as well

• He had 5 sisters so....

• Eventually, you got to sit down and talk to him

• You got up to get water and when you came back you practically melted

• Your little cousins were listening to him sing

• Once he finished, the little ones looked at you

• They all scattered until one came up to you

• " We like him." She whispered into your ear and ran off

• Joshua was more than pleased to hear that news

• Before the food was served, you left to go to the bathroom

• When you came back...

• Some of your older and younger cousins that were 16 to 18 were flirting with him

• They twirled their hair and giggled at him 

• " Hey babe." You said a bit to loudly when you sat down again.

• " Girls, this is my boyfriend Joshua."

• Let's just say it was awkward for them

• It's not everyday they flirt with their cousin's boyfriend

• Eventually food was served

• Your little cousins that were about 12 to 14 all fought secretly ( at least they thought, but you noticed)

• They wanted to sit next to Joshua because he was a Disney star

• They also found him very attractive

• You made sure to have him sit at the end of the table with only you at his side

• There was big conversation about Joshua and his career

• Everyone was more than happy to know that he was working and making money for himself and his family

• They knew he could sing, play guitar and dance as well

• Eventually, the clock struck 10 and it was time for him to leave

• He kissed you goodbye once you were at the front steps

• You pulled him in for another one when you heard:

• " EW!"

• Your little cousins were spying on you both

• You hugged him instead and waved goodbye at him

• The barbecue continued until 2 in the morning and Joshua was the main topic

• They were planning the wedding already

I loved writing this. It came to me while I trying to continue an imagine, but had no hope so I wrote this instead.

I think I might do a few of theses just to ease my writing skills because I've been off my radar honestly 😂

Hope you enjoy! ✨💙

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