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Inko panted as she ran deeper into the forest, holding her infant tightly as her pursuers chased her. Earlier, Hisashi came home looking haggard before he told her to pack up and run. She was confused at first, but when she saw how scared he was, she did what he said, grabbing their three-year old son, Izuku, with her before joining her husband in the car. They drove for a while when she asked why he wanted them to run away with him before they were knocked off the road. When she came to, she saw Hisashi being killed by a large man who was tailed by a lanky man wearing a mask who seemed to be his leader. Thankfully, she managed to shield her baby, but the two men saw her, starting a chase after her, leading to where she is now.

As her legs screamed in pain, Inko looked back to see if the villains were still chasing her, avoiding the foliage around her. She turned back forward before skidding to a stop, for in front of her was a cliff overlooking a river. There was nowhere to go now. She turned around as the shrubbery shook before it parted away to reveal the leader. "Well, looks like there's nowhere for you to go now." He said. "I really didn't want to do this, but your husband saw too much. Had to cut loose ends, you see."

The man stepped forward. "Now, if you could stop giving us trouble, we might spare the child."

Inko stepped back, a distraught look on her face as she looked between the villain and her child. The man was going to kill her, and she didn't trust him with her child's life. She looked over the cliff, seeing the river down below.

With one last look at Izuku, her eyes let out tears before she spoke. "I'm so sorry, Izuku." She whispered. "Mommy loves you."

With that, she turned around and threw her son off the cliff into the river, just as the pursuer ran up to her, grabbing her by the hair. Time seemed to stop before she suddenly exploded, spraying a bit of blood around the nearby area.

The villain grimaced under his mask before looking down the cliff, not seeing the infant that the woman had with her. "Hmmph." He uttered before turning around and leaving. It wasn't his problem the kid was dead.

Elsewhere, Later

As the bundled up blanket washed ashore a river bank, the baby Izuku Midoriya slept soundly, having been rocked to sleep by the soft motion of the river. However, he soon woke up as he noticed the movement stopped before he crawled out of his bundle.

The infant let out a yawn before looking around, confused by his surroundings. Where was he? Why was he here? Where was mama?

A oink got his attention, making him turn to look at the source of the noise.

He saw that it was a wild boar, looking at him with green beady eyes. Was this mama?

The boar huffed before turning around and trotting to the forest, earning a squeal from the infant as he began to crawl after it, unaware of the life ahead of him.

12 years later

The bus stopped in front of the ranger station before the doors opened, allowing for a group of students out. "We're here!" They all yelled out.

"Alright everyone, single file! The pros will be here any moment!" Iida Tenya yelled out, waving his single arm at them, having lost his left arm to Stain, and would've lost his life had Shoto not saved him.

"Why wait?" A unknown voice said, getting the class's attention before they turned to the source of the voice.

"All your feline fantasies come true, meow!"

"Perfectly cute and cat like girls!"

"You can call us... THE WILD WILD PUSSYCATS!" The two women shouted as they struck a pose. They both wore matching outfits, but one of them wore a blue variant that accented her long, blonde hair and eyes, whereas the other had a red version, accenting her short, brown hair and eyes.

Boar Hero Deku (KNY x BNHA)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon