Harry Potter & The Jade Dragon(EX) by GOMER

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Harry Potter & The Jade Dragon (Extended Version) by Gomer


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Format: Novella

Chapters: 6

Word Count: 45,995

Status: WIP

Rating: 15+

Warnings: Mild Violence

Genres: Action, Humor, Angst

Characters: Ginny, Harry, Dumbledore, OC, Remus Lupin, Tonks


First Published: 12/08/2005

Last Chapter: 06/28/2006

Last Updated: 06/28/2006


EXPANDED VERSION OF HP & THE JADE DRAGON! I have always wanted to return to this, my first fan fiction, and improve it. Here goes nothing.... my own version of Book 6, written originally before HBP came out or the title was even known. Enjoy! Ana :)


Chapter 1: A Short Trip Home

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I have to admit, I have missed writing my own characters and one of the things I've had on my mind for a while was to rewrite/edit/expand both Harry Potter and the Jade Dragon to be more in line with the writing style that I had developed by the time I wrote Mischief Makers. I wasn't happy with the originals as by the time I wrote Mischief Makers I felt like I was truly finding my stride and it always bothered me that I could have done better on my first two stories.

I will be posting updated chapters every few days, as you can see by the first one, they will be longer and will be highly interlaced with Mischief Makers. Enjoy! Ana 


Chapter 1: A Short Trip Home

It was a normal morning on Privet Drive, where everything was supposed to normal, as normal as can be. The residents of number four knew that things in their home weren't nearly as normal as they pretended they were; in fact they were as far from normal as humanly possible. The youngest resident in the house would probably tell you, they were as normal as possible in the eyes of a muggle; for you see the young man was a wizard and quite different from the others in the cloned home.

On this wonderful, sunny morning the regular quiet was broken by the gasp of a rotund man breathing heavily as he struggled to pick up his morning newspaper from his front stoop. Across from Vernon Dursley was a tall, thin man whose light brown hair was laced with grey. Remus Lupin was dressed in his best muggle clothes, which to Vernon Dursley were particularly shoddy. He recognized the man as one of them from Kings Cross station the afternoon before.

"Everything okay with Harry," Lupin asked in a friendly way to Mr. Dursley.

"Of course he's fine," Dursley responded nastily. Then he lowered his voice and added, "Now go away, we don't need your ruddy kind here."

Remus smiled politely as he inwardly pondered how Petunia Evans ever married someone like Vernon Dursley. His mind drifted back to fifth year, when he, James, Sirius and Peter had found themselves standing across from Evans parents' home the night of Christmas Eve. Found themselves might not have been the correct word, when they were all dragged there by James, after he found out that Remus had been invited to a small Christmas Eve gathering at the Evans home by Lily. So there they were, standing together under the invisibility cloak in the freezing cold in the midst of a freak winter storm that blanketed London with nearly a foot of snow and it was still falling. They had watched as the Evans sisters stumbled out of the house, bundled in their muggle outerwear. The moment the two set foot into the snow, their carefree laughter could be heard up and down the street as they got into a snowball fight. He knew he would never forget the look on everyone's face when Petunia tripped over Peter while he was under the invisibility cloak rendering him unconscious as his head struck the hydrant as he fell. After that they all spent Christmas Eve with the Evans' that year, as Lily's hovering mother wouldn't allow Peter to leave until the bump, nearly the size of a dragon's egg was properly iced. Needless to say, Lily's Christmas Eve and virtually the entire holiday was ruined by two things: the first, when Mrs. Evans' uttered the now infamous words to us "stop by any time" and secondly, because Petunia ended up spending the entire night with Peter playing the role of infatuated wet nurse.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2008 ⏰

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