Mark is not pathetic.

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It was cold as Mark walked out for some fresh air. It had been a long night of making videos with Yami and Bob. "YAaaAawn!" He was very tierd but kept walking, something just didn't feel right. "HELP! please some one help me!!" "What the f***!" Mark ran in the direction of the screams. "Shut up stupid b****!" Mark ran faster than he ever thought he could. He turned and looked in the alley that it was coming from. There she was getting raped by three guys. He bent over and picked up a pipe and yelled" hey! A** holes! Let her go!" They looked at each other and laughed" well well well. Who do we have here. Some scared nerd trying to be a hero. How pathetic." The guy who said that stepped forward in his face. Mark could feel a wave of anger flow over him. He gripped the pipe tightly and swung at the guys face. "CRUUUUNNNNCCCHHH!! He went down unconscious. The two other guys stared in disbelief then dropped the girl and took off running. As soon as they were gone mark ran over to the girl and helped her stand up. " T-thank you." She managed to say before collapsing into marks arms passed out.

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