Part 1

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From where Twilight stood, the lands of Hyrule had never looked more beautiful. There was greenery as far as the eye could see, mountains so big they touched the sky. Even at the distance Twilight was at, the sun beaming down on faraway lakes twinkled like a million diamonds.

"Take a look at that," Twilight whistled. "That's some view."

"It was the first thing I saw when I walked out of the Resurrection shrine," said Wild.

"Must've been a nice surprise after that hundred year nap you took. Wow. What was on your mind when you saw this?"

"Hunger, mostly."


Twilight wasn't the only one enjoying the view. Hyrule was sketching out the twin peak mountains in the distance. Wind and Legend were sitting on the edge of the cliff, letting their legs swing. Sky had borrowed Wind's telescope to bird watch. Warriors was taking a nap underneath the shade of a nearby tree, and Swords was busy popping apple pieces into his mouth, sighing contently as the wind blew.

The only who was off on their own was Time. He stood further down the path, staring silently at the dilapidated temple a few hundred feet away.

"What's that temple down there?" Twilight asked.

"Hmm? Oh... um, the Temple of Time. There's nothing in there but a goddess statue."

Oh geeze. No wonder the old man has been quiet during this entire trip.

"Is something wrong?"

"No," said Twilight, turning away. "But let's give the guy some space. Where's the shrine?"

The cave leading to the shrine was immensely cool, and the first step inside had Twilight shivering. As the others followed, they too shuddered lightly, rubbing at their arms and chuckling good heartedly about it.

"Was it always this cold?" Sky asked.

Wild shrugged. "I don't remember. It has been a while since I've been back here. Watch your step, there's a drop over here."

It was even colder now. Water dripped off of the walls and soaked in their boots. Twilight could not pinpoint where the source of light was coming from. He supposed he could write it off as magic and leave it at that, but that put a sour taste in his mouth.

The cave gave way into a larger room, and the group was greeted by the sight of the Ressurection shrine.

A sudden silence came over the group as they took in the sight. Wild stood off to the side, watching their reactions with a small amused smirk on his lips.

"It's not going to bite," he said. "You can all walk in further."

Hyrule spoke first. "I didn't expect the shrine to look like this."

"Like what?"

"Well, you said it looked like a glowing chamber. I mean, that's exactly what it is, but..."

It looks like a coffin, Twilight thought grimly.

"'s ugly," Hyrule finished. "Sorry, that sounded callous."

Wild waved it off. "I didn't build it. But I can see what you're getting at. Oh, is Warriors still outside?"

"Still sleeping? Yeah."

"I should go get him. The sun can get hotter than expected around here. I'll be right back."

Despite the water on the floor and walls, there was no sign of moss or decay. The air however stunk like old laundry. As Twilight neared the actual chamber itself, the temperature dropped even more. Why was it so cold?

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