Part 2

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Adrien comes home to his father standing with Nathalie. His foot is tapping as Nathalie seems worreid.

Adrien: Father! I'm sorry I was out for so long. But I um saved some croissants for you. My friend Marinette gave them to me.

Gabriel: I don't care about the croissants! *knocks the box out of Adrien's hands as the last two croissants fell out*

Adrien: Father!

Gabriel: Why wasn't Nathalie and your bodygaurd with you? *looks directly at Nathalie*

Adrien: Uhhhh

Nathalie: I'm sorry! He might've sneaked out.


Nathalie: He's a teen. He just wanted to be with his friends.

Adrien: She's right! I went to Nino's and then went to the bakery, but Kagami came and took me. Marinette found me and brought the croissants.

Gabriel: YOU SHOULD KNOW BETTER! Nathalie and your bodyguard must be with you at ALL TIMES! Did I say you could go out and hang with your friends?

Adrien: N-No but-

Gabriel: Just go to your room! Don't come out until dinner is prepared.

Adrien: Yes Father. *walks up the stairs sadly*

Meanwhile Marinette is in her room sewing a dress for Rose

Tikki: That dress looks really pretty!

Marinette: Thanks Tikki. You know, that's enough for the day. I'm going to relax for the rest of the evening.*leans back in chair and stretches her arms*

Tikki: You know what's werid?

Marinette: What?

Tikki: It's been three days and no one hasn't been akumatized.

Marinette: Yeah that is weird. What is Hawkmoth planning?

Tikki: I have no idea.

Marinette: *takes down a picture of Adrien*

Tikki: Wait. What are you doing?

Marinette: Oh nothing. *takes another picture down*

Tikki: Marinette. You're taking down pictures of Adrien. What's wrong?

Marinette: Everything's fine Tikki. *hears a text notification from her phone as she picks it up*

Tikki: Who could that be?

Marinette: It's Luka. He said hi. *starts texting back*

Tikki: Hmmmmmmmm.

Adrien is tossing a ball up in the air as he lies on his bed.

Plagg: *eating cambert* Cheer up Adrien. Your father is a just a grumpy old man.

Adrien: *smirks a little but then makes a face of uncertainty* No it's that Plagg. *sits up*

Plagg: Then what is it?

Adrien: I think I've might've upset Marinette.

Plagg: Yeah you messed up big time. Just kidding! Please don't take my cambert!

Adrien: *shakes his head* No you're right I did. I've probably said something to make her rush off away from me.

Plagg: Rush off to Luka.

Adrien: Right.

Plagg: Girls are complicated. So many of them likes you.

Adrien: *laughs* Yeah um I have a lot of fans.

Plagg: When are you gonna learn. There's that clingy Chole. Lila who's a complete liar, and Kagami......

Adrien: She's great! We both like fencing and she's fun to be around with.

Plagg: Owwwwwwwwww you like Kagami.

Adrien: ......

Plagg: Why so quiet?

Adrien: Maybe I should fix this. I'm going to make Marinette feel better by hanging out with her as Cat Noir.

Plagg: But isn't this a Adrien problem?

Adrien: Trust me, it's better this way. Plagg claws out! *begins to transform*

Back with Marinette, Marinette texts Luka bye and sets her phone to charge after a conversation.

Tikki: This evening has been long, I'm going to bed early. *snuggles in Marinette's covers of her bed*

Marinette: *yawns* Yeah you're right. Better get my beauty sleep. I have school tormmrow. *hears a knocking sound from the roof*

Tikki: Who could that be? It's close to nighttime.

Marinette: *goes up to the roof and finds Cat Noir standing at the rail* Cat Noir?

Cat Noir: Hey!

Marinette: What are you doing here?

Cat Noir: I uh just wanted to hang with you. Just a for a few minutes.

Marinette: Sure. What do you want to talk about?

Cat Noir: *looks down* I didn't realize how hurtful I've been to you. I'm such a terrible friend.

Marinette: ...... Huh?

Cat Noir: Look it just seems like you're upset because I'm never around enough. I'm always with someone else.

Marinette: What? No! Cat you're a great friend. You saved my life a few times. Being a superhero is hard work. I understand.

Cat Noir: ......

Marinette: *starts to cry*

Cat Noir: Woah what's wrong?

Marinette: It feels like I'm so useless. I have all these pressuring responsibilities and everyone's counting on me. It's not easy Cat! I do everything for everyone, but everyone just doesn't care how how much bricks is on my back weighing me down.

Cat Noir: Awwww Marinette-

Marinette: And the wrost part is, I'll never find ture love. I guess I was always meant to be alone.

Cat Noir: And what makes you think that?

Marinette: Well today, I decided to do something nice and give him croissants. He liked them but he still considers me as just a friend. And I do everything! I made him that scarf for his birthday! I gave him a Valentine and a kiss on his cheek!

Cat Noir: *flashback to when he received the scarf* (whispers) But I thought my father gave me that scarf.

Marinette: It's like he's blind!

Cat Noir: Marinette- you deserve better. You're a amazing person who can design fashion. You're smart and cool in your own uinque way. And you will find ture love.

Marinette: *gasps* Cat-

Cat Noir: Shhhhhh. *hugs Marinette* (whispers into her ear) You matter in this world. Everyone loves you just the way you're and appreciates everything you do for them, don't forget that*

Marinette: I-I won't. 

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