Freshman's of Anubis house

Start from the beginning

"Guys this is Lina, she is staying in our room" Patricia said. Oh this is the girl she was talking about when she came in. 

"Great, the rooms are going to be crowded" I muttered.

"Guys we got to get ready. Mr. Sweet said the bus will be here soon" Willow said and us Senior's got ready. 

We walked downstairs to see a new boy in the house. 

"Trudy do you know when the bus is coming?" I asked. 

Victor came down and looked at Sophie "Do I know you from somewhere?" he asked. 

"You must be Mr. Rodenmean" Sophie said completely mispronouncing is name.

"RodenMAAR!" Victor yelled making everyone burst out laughing.

"Oh sorry" Sophie said and he walks away grumpy. Classic Victor. 

"It's here loves" Trudy said.

"Mr. Sweet said we get to come along too" Ernie said.

"Oh great, take our field trip, our rooms, what's next our lives?" Joy asked sarcastically and angry but I giggled trying not to laugh. 

"Ok, everyone have fun" Trudy said and she got everyone outside the house and onto the bus. 

When we arrived we looked around at the amazing stuff that was their. 

"Hey Cassie" Sophie said walking  up to me. 

"Hey Sophie what's up?" I asked. 

"Come with me" she said and she dragged me to a room with this pyrimd.

"What's this for?" I asked. 

"Your not allowed to be in here" a man said.

"What is this, it's beautiful" Sophie said amazed at the pyrimd. 

"They call it the touchstone of ra" the man said.

I nod. Isn't Ra like the sun king of the gods? Oh yes it is. 

"Now out" he said and we both left. 

After a few hours of looking around and having fun we returned back to the house. 

"Ok, I saw we throw a welcoming ceremony for the newbie" Patricia said.

"Why?" I asked.  

"Because, they want to be like us, then they have to live like his" Patrica said smiling.

"Yes, I agree, breaking the rules and going to the basement" Joy said.

"Your funeral" I joked. 

"Come us Cas, Erin, Lina, and Dexter  need to learn it takes more to live in this house" Mara said.

I thought about if for awhile "Your right, let's do it" I said.

Later that night everyone gathered into the basement. All was going well. We told them scary stories when the lights go out.

Victor's pov_______________________

Eric and I were talking in my office when the lights go out. 

"Great" I muttered grabbing my flashlight. 

We heard noise coming from the basement "They threw a party and didn't invite us" I said and we went downstairs and caught almost everyone and sent them to their rooms. 

We checked everywhere else for anyone but no seems to be their. 

"We had a lot of good times down here haven't we Victor" Eric said.

"Yes, human sacrifice was great" I said.

"No, what was stupid is that the pyramid of Ra was at the museum that you suggested i take them to, what if someone took it?" Eric said.

"They don't know what that is, ad the pyramid hasn't been found in over 300 hundred years" I said.

"You better hope so" Eric said and left the basement. 

Mara's pov________________________

I hide under the staircase listening into their conversation. 

What are they talking about?

Then I saw Cassie, Alfie, Fabian, Patricia, Kt, Eddie and Sophie come out of hiding. 

"What is going on?" Sophie asked. 

"This is a private conversation" Patricia said.

"I want to help you guys, whatever is going on" Sophie said.

"She heard to much Patricia" Cassie said.

"It looks like we added a new Sibuna memeber" Eddie said.

"Wait are we really starting Sibuna again?" Cassie asked looking upset. 

"Yeah, sorry Cas" Eddie said.

"We can never have a normal year can we?" Kt asked.

"Of course we can't" Cassie said.

I come out of hiding "What is going on? Victor and Mr. Sweet are talking about human scarifice and you are welcoming Sophie into a gang?" I asked confused. Their faces were shocked that I was even here. 

"It all makes no sense to me too" Sophie said.

"What is Sibuna" I asked. 

No one spoke for awhile until Eddie explained some things. 

"So, you have been keeping this a secert from everyone?" I asked.

"Acually, Joy knows" Fabian said and my eyes widen.

"So does Jerome" Alfie said.

"All expect me then" I said upset. 

"We were just trying to protect everyone and not get anyone else involved or hurt" Patricia said.

"Let's face it, we all got hurt one way or another" Cassie said and everyone nods exept Sophoe who looks equally confused as me. 

"I am going to the police" I said turning around. 

"NO Mara!" Everyone said as we heard the door open. I felt arms grab me and I tried to get them off me. They dragged me to this secert enternce that lead to the kitchen. 

"The stove that never opens leads to the basement?" I asked in shock and disbeleive. 

"Yeah" they all nod and said.

"How does it open?" Sophie asked. 

"You need a locket" Cassie said holding Nina's old locket. 

"Look, we will tell you more in the morning, let's just get some sleep" Eddie said and we all nod. 

I can't belivie this is happening. 

I had a hard time sleeping knowing all my friends have lied to me for so long. 

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