"Are you okay?" he asked her.

"Can you pull over? I don't feel so good."

He quickly pulled over when it was safe to do so before he got out of the car and ran over to her side, opening the door to allow fresh air into the car.

"Nadia, are you okay? What's going on? Talk to me."

But his words sounded distant as she found herself reliving the event that suddenly triggered her difficulty to breathe.

When she looked up, she found herself sitting in the car but the interior had changed and she was no longer sitting in her wheelchair. She looked towards the driver's seat and instead of Mason, she found Jackson looking back at her with a large smile. Her eyes stung as she looked at him.

He opened his mouth to speak and as he did so, she found herself screaming at him not to say what she knew he was going to say.

"I love you."

And as soon as those words left his lips, the sound of a loud crash filled the air. She screamed and as soon as she did, Mason wrapped his arms around her in a tight hug.

"Nadia, Nadia! I'm here. Everything's okay! Nadia!"

She closed her eyes tightly and when she opened them again, she was back in her mother's car with Mason hugging her tightly. 

"Nadia, everything is okay," she heard him whisper gently.

"Just breathe and try to stay calm."

She felt the tears streaming down her face as she wrapped her arms around him and held him as close to her as she could. They stayed like that for a few moments before Mason pulled back to place a soft kiss on her forehead as she continued to cry. 

Using his thumbs, he wiped her tears but they were replaced with more tears.

"Nadia, what's going on? Talk to me," he whispered, still wiping her tears.

Her lips quivered as she attempted to speak. But when no words came out, Mason smiled slightly.

"It's okay if you don't want to talk about it now, I'll be here whenever you're ready."

She slowly nodded her head. 

Mason suddenly sighed as he ran a hand through his hair, appearing as if he was thinking for a moment before he said,

"I guess I'll just have to change up the plans a little bit. Are you still okay with going on this date?" he asked her.

"Did I ruin your plans for the date?" she asked, feeling her eyes sting as new tears threatened to fall.

"Don't cry Nadia, you didn't ruin it. You just changed it up a little bit. Come on, let's go on this date," he said before placing another kiss on her forehead.

Nadia got out of the car and watched Mason as he pulled out a picnic basket from the trunk of the car.

"We're going on a picnic this late?" she asked. 

Mason nodded as he ran a hand through his hair.

"I know it's not original but I just wanted to do something to cheer you up after what happened with my aunt and this was all I could think of."

Nadia smiled as he walked towards her.

"No, it's perfect."



Hello dear readers!

Thank you very much for checking out another chapter of this story! I hope you enjoyed it! I tried to make this chapter more lighthearted considering what's going around in the world and also what I've put Nadia and Mason through but somehow it took a dark turn. Regardless, I hope you all still enjoyed it! I promise the next one will be more fun!  

As always, please let me know your thoughts/comments/concerns about this story!

Lastly, with everything that is going on in the world regarding this pandemic, I hope you and your families are all staying safe and are all doing your part to help with getting through this situation whether that is by staying home if you're able to or safely continuing to work. I believe that we will all make it through this together and come out having learned many things!

Once again, thank you all for reading this chapter and I hope to see you in the next one!

Stay safe and wash your hands!


(* - I couldn't remember whether I had written that Mason already had his license so this star is just for me when I go back and edit the story to make sure there are no repeats)

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